
My mom is such a hypocrite!?

by  |  earlier

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okay so my parents don't know that im bi, and have no problems with g**s, but my mom is just getting on my nerves lately. she was talking to me and saying how my dad hates all g*y people, but she doesnt know how anyone could hate a people for that, but then when we were driving down Santa Monica blvd's g*y-er section (for lack of a better term) she proceeds to act discusted and joins in calling them the "other F word". its just makes me sick, atleast my dad doesnt act like such a hypocrite even though he still makes me ill. why does she do this...




  1. tell your rents but be prepared for DAMAGED heart

  2. She probably making you straight cos shes scared of you becoming g*y. Don't listen to her, just follow your heart and follow person who you love.

  3. I think even though as bad as it sounds, it's pretty natural for parents to act like this. Mine are the same way. It will be really hard when you decide to come out and tell them that your'e bi. But dont take her comments too seriously and don't upset yourself. She probably hasn't been exposed to many g**s and its hard for her to understand. Being young, we are exposed to many different things and are much more modern than our parents, even so, many young people discriminate against g**s. So try to understand that its the lack of being expose to that lifestyle I guess. Before you do ever let them know that your bi, it may be best to talk to a therapist to see how you can break it to them without freaking them out. Good luck.

  4. come clean and they might stop because your their kid and if they don't like it they can suck it up it's not their life  but tell them soon or it might get harder as time goes on

  5. Looks like she wants you to pay attention to her and trying to protect u from these ppl. But eventually, u have 2 get yourself out from there otherwise she will tell eveyone abt u too just to get some attention.

  6. She is trying to have a good influence on you by saying that there is nothing wrong with homosexuals. She mistakenly dropped that whole act when she was driving through that section, and you saw this. She is trying to do good, by trying to make sure you don't be a homophobe. She doesn't know you're bi, otherwise she wouldn't have been abusing those g**s.

  7. i think its time for you to come clean! be prepared though!

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