
My mom thinks I was masturbating?

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Kay so I was just massaging my back because I have shoulder problems which causes my whole back to hurt, and I had my underwear on, and she knocks so I sat up and it must have really looked like I was masturbating because she was like oh god and shut the door. I can barely put in a tampon, how do I explain to her that I wouldn't m********e?




  1. WOW!! wat an awkward situation. well I think you should tell her about wat you were really doing, dealing with your shoulder probs. Also tell her you couldn't believe she would think you were masturbating. Good luck though.

  2. LMAO.....sigh.....LMAO. You say, "Mom, i wasn't double clicking my mouse. I was rubbing my back. Funny thing is, my back is located in between my legs, i-o!!!!".

  3. She must of caught you before ... because her reaction sounds like " omg shes doing it again"  so she already knows whats up.  She knows you m********e.  Just deny it.  

  4. Don't explain unless she asks. It's none of your mom's business anyway.

  5. Just tell her its not what it looked like and you really were just making your back feel better.

  6. first of all, you dont have to explain anything.

    even if you were- what is it of her business???

    it is a normal everyday thing. I think you should just get over it.

    she will think twice before busting into your room like that. You could have been getting changed or something.  

  7. If your mom thinks you were masturbating and you weren't then thats not good. I would tell her you have had back problems and ask her what you could do about it. I would try to bring up what happened too, just ask her why she came in, said "oh god" and then shut the door. Act like you didn't get it and you're not sure why she said that or why she just shut the door. You can really just play it off as innocent and get her to tell you what she thought. If she does say she thought you were masturbating then I would laugh and tell her what you said, that you can barely put a tampon in, etc and that you have no interest in that. Then you can explain to her what was really going on.  

  8. Well, putting in a tampon doesn't really have much to do with mastrrbation, but anyway, just ask her what happened. Ask her why she said Oh God, and shut the door. When she says what she thought happened tell her what really happened, and just try to say it in a reassuring voice and assure her you are telling the truth. And then tell her to knock and wait until you say to come in next time. Good luck.

  9. That is embarrassing, especially if you weren't doing that.  I would be honest with her and say look this is what I was doing, not the other . . . just wanted to let you know and clear up the misunderstanding.

  10. Actually you know what it isnt as big a deal as you think.  I wouldnt worry about it.  

  11. Just tell her the truth with a little chuckle to indicate how funny she was for coming to that conclusion. If that is the truth, there is nothing for you to be embarrassed about. Just talk and go with the flow.

    I wasn't there, but I think it is funny. :-)

  12. HAHA that's funny - sorry. Play stupid and face the issue...say "Mom why did you act like that"? Hopefully she will feel bad for even letting the thought cross HER mind. Good luck...and it is funny!!!!

  13. tell her exactly what you wrote here.  I'm guessing she is freakin because she is not ready for you to be sexual.  From a mother point of view.  It won't be a comfortable chat, but one that needs to happen. You can't avoid each other or the fact that you need to discuss things. Weird as it feels it is  a good opportunity to discuss the other stuff, abstinence or safe s*x.  Good luck to you!!

  14. WOW...that had to be uncomfortable

    Tell her if it really bothers you. And maybe you can get a laugh out of it  

  15. Tell, her, just say mum, i know what it must have looked like to you when you walked into my room because of your reaction, but i was only rubbing my sore back, it was completely innocent..and if she knows of your back/shoulder problems, what reason would se have not to believe you?.. end of story..   but hey even if you were masturbating, whats the big deal..yes ideally its not something you would ever want your parents to walk in on who cares

  16. Maybe she was just embarassed that you were in your undies. Not sure how she would mistake what you were doing for masturbation.

  17. just act like it never happened nd if it ever comes up explain wat really was goin on

  18. hahaha, idk if u say u werent she'll probably just think you r embarresed, so just let her think it... she thought that bcuz it is normal and every mother knows it lol every one in the world does it so she prob doesnt care its natural just laugh about it now, and later in life u both will laugh bout it and when ur older just say hey remember when... and then u can say u werent really if u wanna, she will believe u then she wont think ur still trying to fight ur case. ;D

  19. haha that is funny

    just explain to her that you dont do that kind of stuff

    she should know about your back problem so just tell her your back was hurting and you were laying on your stomach to massage your back, so when she knocked you got up to look at her... just explain the situation and i am sure she will understand...

  20. hahaha the same happened to me! i was just sitting on my bed with a towel round me after a shower and she burst in...she actually said "OH! i see you are examining something!" and walked out!!! and i WASN'T EVEN...I just ignored it..she never burst in again! it was a good thing cos i could then 'examin' things as much as i wanted after that. ;-)

  21. wow that kinda happens a lot when your at a certain age. it might be hard but all you have to do is just explain to her what exactly you were doing and what it probably looked like and tell her it wasn't what she think it was....good luck and next time lock your door lol

  22. go ask her to massage your back for you because it really hurts, let her know that is what you were trying to do when she came in before

  23. just go tell her that your having back problems and explain the situation

  24. You can't because you will. It is only natural and your Mother assumed it because she is expecting it. Let it go and don't feel guilty about it because everyone does it but will never admit it. Even if you were not masturbating she thinks you was. No matter what you do or say will change her mind.

  25. I would just tell her about your shoulder problems and skip the masturbating.

    Just say, "Mom, I've been having back problems lately, so I have to rub it to keep from hurting. Do you know what I could do to help the pain?" She'll soon realize she made a mistake.

  26. I would just pretend it never happend.

  27. Don't explain anything, it is your right to pleasure yourself and to have your privacy.

  28. lmfao why the long face? lol.

  29. lol thats funny. But extremely awkward for you and your mum. I feel sorry for you.

  30. just tell her easy at that..or talk to her about you back problems and then say how you like to massage it to make it feel better that should clear up the ice!!!

  31. first of all, let me tell you how funny this story is. Now, i really dont think you should worry about it. Im sure your mom (brace yourself for the terrible mental picture about to flood your poor little brain) m*********s, so i doubt she really holds anything against you for it. And who knows if she thinks thats what you were doing, maybe she realized she forgot the muffins in the oven and after crying out to her lord above she rushed down to save her deliciously-baked(like me) treats. If you really want to set things straight, just say..."why did you scream oh god and run out of my room like a lunatic while i was in there massaging my achin' back?"  

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