
My mother is a control freak?

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Throughout my life, my mother has always been making my choices for me. From when to sleep to what to do to what to what classes to take. And I really haven't minded because she has my best interest involved. However, the one thing I can't stand her controlling? My personal appearance. She chooses everything from the clothes on my back to my hair. I've complained to her a few times but kept my cool and told myself when i'm 18 I can do what I want. But yesterday was the final straw. I've had the worst hairstyles all my life but this summer, I had a really simple but nice cut. My mother insisted on trimming a little bit so I let her. What does she do? She makes my head look like a mushroom! I ask her nicely to fix it, but she then replies, "It looks nice. I know the styles." I told her i've never in my life have seen anybody with this kind of hair. How can I convince her to fix it? I'm going back to school next week and I don't want to be made fun of.




  1. Go to a proper hairdresser and get it done by a professional. And in future don't let your scissors-happy mother near your hair!

  2. I would simply tell her that the times have changed and that what was cool when she was in school is not so cool now.  You want to choose your own hair style and that you would like to pick one out with her approval of it.  At least this way she will feel like she has some control over it.  Good luck!

  3. I guess you could ask or tell her that "she can tell you what to take or what to wear but just let me make my hair the way i want" or something like that. So it won't sound like you don't want her in your life or something. I hope this helped

  4. She needs something to keep her busy - a hobby, part time job - anything - you need some independence and you'll never get it if she does everything for you....

  5. Do you know someone who can maybe repair the damage she's done or do you have the money to go to a barber.  She does sound controlling, and I'm not trying to convince you to disobey your mom, but d**n!  By the way, how old are you now?

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