
My mother is a

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When my middle son was born, my mom worshipped this kid. I left his father shortly after and being single and working, I turned to my mom for help, mostly babysitting. One day, I left my son with her so I could go to work. Apparently, she ran out of cigarettes (she wasn't supposed to smoke indoors when she had him) and flipped out. She knocked him down and he smacked his face on a chair. When I got there after work, he was curled up in bed, shaking and crying. I let her have it and that was it...I never left my boys with her again. Anyway, this was the child she ADORED.

Fast forward 11 years. My niece has fallen into the habit of letting her 6 year old daughter spend a great deal of time with my mother, who has since been diagnosed as being bi-polar. My niece is going through a divorce and Kayli has been staying with mom at night so she can get her up for school. The whys of that situation is another story. So, my niece was at my sisters house visiting.....




  1. first of if you can you should try babysit for your neice as you are obviously a much better and safer babysitter to this child second of phone a doctor and make an appointment for him to go to your moms home and help her put her counciling xxxxxxx

  2. I don't think the kids can do anything legally, but it might be worth a call to a family attorney about the issue.  Is your mom medicated for her bi-polar?  If not it can be one helluva wild ride, I know from experience.  Best wishes to you, this is a tough spot you're in!

  3. You guys should try family counseling to get down to the real problem. At the same time, you have to be understanding that your mother is bi-polar. She may not be able to help her behavior. At least try to be understanding of her. You guys should definitely spend more time together AS A FAMILY!!!!

  4. sounds like she needs to be in therapy...aka call the cops on her next time shes hyped up on pills. maybe theyll court order her to go.....

    also she needs some pill for her bi polar issue....


    and id lose contact with her, and tell her if she doesnt TRY to change then you wont try to see her....

    because thats just telling what the kids endured while being there alone...the unseen bruises, or aches, the yelling....poor babies... sick sick woman!

    good luck....

  5. I don't think there is anything you can do legally.

    You're shot, and it's a long one. You and any siblings you have need to get together, and need to get her to a dr.

    Have the dr. diagnose her. The problem her now is, the dr. can't tell you anything, because of privilege.

    Hopefully the dr. writes something in your favor. Get an attorney, to find out what was said, and then have her placed somewhere where she can be cared for 24/7.

    Without a dr., and other siblings, it won't work. You can have siblings say she is fine, and that you are crazy. So you need them on your side.

  6. I woldn't let this woman take care of any children and would let others know that, even at the cost of a close relationship.

  7. ok now...i didnt read much of this at all.for a very logical reason. shes human.youre human,im human.we all do very starange things.some more dramatic then others. but you have to keep that in mind.humans will be humans.ignore whats said. and defend whats done.i live be this moto. maybe you should too.

  8. You may be able to see about getting temporary power of attorney over her, in light of the pill-taking incident, which you could argue was a suicide attempt.  It might be enough to get her checked into a mental hospital to get treatment.

    But before doing that, I would get you siblings, your niece, and any other close familiy members and friends together and sit her down for an intervention.  There are professional coordinators you can call to help you set everything up, but basically what will happen is that everyone will go around the room, tell your mother how much they love her and how much she means to them, and that they insist she get help for herself.  If she refuses, you cut her off and don't help her in any way until she makes the decision to help herself first.

  9. sounds like she is unstable, your niece shouldn't leave her child in your mothers care any more

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