
My mother is driving me crazy!!!?

by  |  earlier

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my mother is so annoying. i go in my room to get away. and she goes in and out in an out all day long. today i asked her nicely to get out of my room and shes like its not your room. okay i dont have a job, but i always babysit my little cousins and my uncle pays me for rhat and i help my grandma so my other uncle gives me money for that so i have my money that i didnt get from her and i buy my own stuff. but my mom gets on my nerves like today she decided to go through her stuff in my room she keeps some of her stuff in my room and i just cleaned my room last night and she had to go through her stuff today. i cant take her anymore!!! ughh how do i get her to leave me alone and stay out of my room!! i go in my room to get away from everyone not for them to come follow me!




  1. Looks like mom wants attention. Have you thought about sitting down with her and asking how she's doin or how her day was. Don't blow her off because one day when she's gone your going to wish she was bugging you.

    Moms can get annoying I KNOW! But sometims they just need that extra attention. You ever heard of that saying "kill em with kindness" reverse the role try bugging the h**l out of her and lets see what will happen.

  2. buy a lock for your room with your money...

    and have your uncle install it and take all her stuff out of your room so then she has not reson to go in your room.

  3. just  tell them

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