
My mother thinks I'm g*y?

by Guest63269  |  earlier

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I try and tell her that I'm not all the time but she doesn't seem to listen to me. Now, I'll admit that dudes are fawkin hot and I actually think g*y guys are cool, but I'm just not g*y. She seems to think this because I have never been with a woman and I'm in my 20's. I don't date women because I have a small p***s and I'm ashamed of it, so I want to be the only one that ever has to witness it.

How can I get her to stop thinking that I'm g*y so that she quits bugging me about it?




  1. you are right

  2. Size doesnt matter! Get a girl that actually cares for WHO YOU are and not for your physical body you know not all girls want s*x....(i think we want someone, a friend, a buddy) to always count on! I don't know why guys have that mentality its always s*x s*x s*x but really its not its about caring for one another. And about ur mom well ignore her! You know who you are and what you are and no one can judge you! Not even ur mom! i have the same situation but I'm 18 and I havent dated a guy... (but i have dated girls lol) well then good luck!

  3. that sounds g*y

  4. well if you not a f*g then dont worry about it...and its not the size that counts it what you do with it!!

  5. get a girl, and not just for s*x

  6. You need to expierement.  

    Your g*y.

  7. All I have to say is your logic is flawed!

  8. Get a girl! The size of the p***s isnt such big a deal! Come on! Get on with it...

  9. well, if you look anything like your avatar in real life there's no reason for her NOT to think you're g*y.

    you should just tell your mom you the truth about why you don't date.

    and  besides, if you learn how to please a woman properly, you don't need a big p***s

  10. Step 1- Change avatar.  Rainbow? Pink Glasses= g*y.

    Step 2- Change anything that is similar to avatar.....

    That's it.

  11. you sound really g*y and your yahoo answers picture is VERY g*y

  12. i think Ma is right and mothers usually are

  13. hire a prostitute and plan it so that just as she is coming home you are in the middle of s*x... problem solved

    just kidding don't do that......

    don't put so much emphasis on p***s size, you maye have an exagerated expectation of what normal is, or if it is really bothering you and you have tried psychologists and such get surgery to get it lengthened

    just tell your mom the reason

  14. just tell her you had s*x with a couple girls already.

    it doesnt have to be true. she's never going to know.  

  15. This is unusual for me to say something like this, but I think you may be g*y and just haven't accepted it yet.  I don't mean to offend you, but I'm going by what you've told us, and I think you probably are g*y.

  16. the only way is just to have s*x with some one

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