
My mother told me that...

by Guest56229  |  earlier

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drinking a lot of orange juice (which I do... like LOTS) will ruine the lining of your stomach wall. Is this true? I always thought that it was like super good for you with the Vitamin C working to keep you not sick and stuff you know?




  1. I'm not sure but I think orange juice doesnt do anything. your mom is thinking of the acid, but its not true

  2. For one, OJ is very, very acidic, and your stomach acid can't keep up with it.  But on the healthy side, yes, the Vitamin C is good.  Now, don't stop, but just drink 2 glasses a day and you will be very healthy from it.

  3. Yes thats true but thats if you drink to much. It is still healthy to drink it.

  4. The citric acid in orange juice can harm the walls of your stomach if your drinking a lot of it.  Another downfall to orange juice is the amount of sugar it contains.  The recommended daily allowance is 6 ounces.  It takes approximately 3-4 oranges to make a half a cup of orange juice.  That's a LOT of juice and a LOT of sugar.  If you're drinking more than that, you getting a lot of extra sugar that you really don't need.

    If you are concerned about getting sick, I would recommend a daily vitamin, exercise and a good diet.  I eat a well balanced diet, work out every day, take a multi-vitamin and I rarely get sick.  I also only drink 6 ounces of orange juice a day.

  5. PH is a way of measuring acididty.  the smaller the #, the stronger the acid

    Orange juic has a PH averaging 3.5

    Gastric acid, or stomach acid has a PH of 1.5-2

    so stomach acid is about 2x as powerful as OJ, i doubt it will hurt your stomach.

  6. yea that citrus acid mill mess up yor system

  7. If you were drinking gallons upon gallons of it and puking it up it would likely do some damage to your stomach lining, other then that, she proabably just doesn't want you drinking so much juice.  It contains an incredible amount of sugar.  real oranges are much better.  Eat one of those and you'll have no worries.

  8. orange juice has a high content of citric acid, but will not harm your stomach.  Lemon juice and lime juice have even higher citric acid content and will not harm your body either.  However, excessive amounts of citric acid has been known to lead to kidney stones, which is a quite painful experience.  

    Side note:  your body is capable of utilizing a limited amount of any vitamin in a days time.  Anything you consume over and beyond that amount is wasted by means of sweat, urine, etc.

  9. I hate to go against you mother, but your stomach contains one of the stongest acids known to man, so I cant see how something like orange juice can hurt it. It can hurt your teeth however, never brush your teeth within 30 minutes of drinking it, the acid in orange juice is strong enough to effect your enamel, not that I am trying to give you anything else to worry about!!! Another thing to consider is that the body can only handle so much Vitamin c, any extra just comes out when you pee, so you can have too much of a good thing. I water my juice down, 50 50 with fresh water, very refeshing!!  

  10. No.

    But i heard that when you drink tea or coffee it does.

  11. Eating one kiwi will provide you with more vit.C than one glass of orange juice and there is no acid in it. Same with green leafy veg.Much better for you.

  12. I'm prity sure the only negetive efect of orange juice in teeth problems cus of the suger.

  13. I wouldn't be too worried unless you're drinking gallons every day. The sugar content of orange juice is probably something more to worry about. Drink a glass or two per day AT MOST.

  14. people are so foolish when it comes to acidic, or spicy foods, and alcohol.if a person took i table spoon of stomach acid and diluted it with 1 gallon of water, it would still be potent enough to dissolve a metal nail you think o.j can compete with that? it's harmless.

  15. My Mom used to tell me that too.  She explained it like I was drinking TOO much.  She said something about the acid or citrus in them wasn't good for you.

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