
My neck and back hurt:(?

by Guest60052  |  earlier

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Okay so yesterday..I went shopping with my mom and we did a lot of shopping like cold storage stuff, cheese bottles, among many other things..So we had to like walk the way home which is about 20 to 25 minutes...I had to carry a lot of load which really hurt, like 4 5 bags of sheer weight.. when carrying them only I felt like this really weird strain on my back but I ignored choice really... Anyways today my back and neck hurt like c**p..but only when I turn my neck to look left and right... I tried an ointment but doesn't really help... should I be worried? pain is somewhere near the shoulder blade area




  1. if you only did this yesterday then using the ointment for a little period of time is no good you have to give these things a chance, take it easy and have nice hot shower

  2. It's probably due to you carrying the heavy load yesterday, or you could have strained your neck muscles. Try applying heat to your neck and back. If you're not allergic to them, you take also take either a muscle relaxant or painkiller. If the pain and stiffness doesn't improve over the next few days, go to your doctor and he'll advise you what to do. Good luck!

  3. simple muscle strain.  nothing to be concerned about.  it will work itself out.  I like to lay on the floor with a small hard thing under the sore spot....(i sometimes use a fat 2" or 3" diameter candle!) or a stiff round neck pillow under the achey part forcing all my muscles to relax--sometimes hurts worse for a day, then completely gone.  

    I believe it's lactic acid that accumulates around sore muscles & if you press on it hard, it forces the lactic acid to break up & spread out again normally, thereby releasing the tension & pain on the muscle.  (deep muscle massage therapist told me years ago).

  4. You probably just strained some muscles you are not use to using.

    Try an ice pack on the area,rest, and some extra strength tylenol and call me in the morning, lol.  Hope that helps.

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