
My neice is pregnant at 13!!!!!!!!?

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my 13 year old neice maggie lives with me and my husband. she recently recived news that she is pregnant. what should we do???

please help!!




  1. I don't believe this at all.

  2. support her. but help her choose if she wants an abortion (which is her choice!!) adoption, or if she wants to keep it. you can give her advice, and help her to decide to keep it or whatever. and give that girl some s*x education.

    and why are both your names maggie? hmm...

  3. well right now she needs you more than ever

    Sure you probably wish she hadn't gotten pregnant but she did and no one can change that now. Your niece is going to need all the help she can get now and it is your job to help her.  You cant abandon her now, all you can do is help her and her baby. Try and stay involved but let her make some of the decisons on her own. its not going to be an easy road, but now u have no choice. GOOD LUCK!!!

  4. **cough cough** troll.

  5. Find out who the father is first.Then she is supervised 24-7.No cell phone, no private phone calls no private internet time.No going ANYWHERE without one of you with her.

    Next adopt the baby out.Too late for s*x ed,she has learned it thehard way.

  6. go play under your bridge you stupid troll.  

  7. Support her decision. If she wants an abortion, don't make her feel bad about it. If she wants to keep the baby, don't get angry. Help her through the pregnancy, and deal with her mood swings. Don't punish her, either. She probably feels bad enough already. Hope I helped. =]

  8. that's weird according to your other question your also pregnant?

    and both of your names are maggie?

  9. you are a ******* liar. get a life you worthless troll.

  10. this is funny consitering your name is maggy too.....

  11. Be supportive.  Ask her what she plans on doing about it.  Let her know that you aren't abandoning her and you love her unconditionally.  I'm sure she understands that she's messed up and is scared to death.  Tell her what her options are and let her decide what to do.  Best of luck to you guys.

    Edit**  Are YOU pregnant or is your 'niece'?  Judging by your questions, it looks like you could be trolling...

  12. be supportive and don't give her the "you ruined your life" c**p.

  13. I don't believe you.  

  14. uhhh... take more tests? hope for the best? :(

  15. Try to help her through this and consider adoption is my recommendation.  Best of luck.

  16. the most humane thing would be an abortion.  Don't put her through a pregnancy for the other 2 options...

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