
My new

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ok im in 7th grade(13 yrs old) and i went to an ah-mazing school last year.i had a million friends,everyone was sooo nice,i could always be myself,and everywhere i went i had friends.everything was perfect.until now.i go to this really crappy school now sinse i got kicked out of my awesome school.i got kicked out for having too many detentions.we're only allowed to have 4 a year and i had i think, 6. and well this school sucks.

everyone is so mean.

im a loser there.

at my old school,i was on top.

this year, im way at the bottom of popularity status here is like 0.

i stay in the bathroom at lunch because i have no friends,i end up crying at lunch usually because i think about everything i had at my old school and all my amazing friends,i look like an idiot asking other students where some of my classes are sinse im new to the school,when everyone else is talking in class im all alone just sitting there drawing on my binder like a complete loser,im alone on the bus,no one talks to me,and i just can't take it anymore.its completely differrent here.

when i think just once about my old awesome school,the tears just come pouring out and i can't stop them and it really hurts.

when my parents ask how my day was, i don't respond.i just lock myself in my room and cry thinking about the subject.

even typing this made me cry a bit.

lunch time is the time where everyone looks forward to all morning because thats where they hang out and talk.

lunch time is the time i hate the most because i just sit in the bathroom and cry.

i can't stand it anymore.

what am i going to?

things are completely different now.





  1. I know it's really tough to start over for any reason-especially when you were so "on top" at your old place.  But, try to remember for just one moment, when you first started at your old school.  You were new then too.  You might have known some people but over all it was a new school, new layout, new teachers and mostly new people.  In time, that got better, then it got way better!  In fact, it got so much better that you kind of forgot how hard it was in the very beginning.  this is how life is sometimes.  You will always be starting over somewhere-high school, then college, then a new job.  Always being the new one and then in time that will change just like it did with your previous school.  It's hard to break into a new high school especially but it will get better.  Try not to keep focusing on what you cannot change.  Join a club or two.  look for someone else that looks kind of "alone" she may be thinking the same things you are.  In time, you will be eating lunch with your friends...just remember to invite the new kid at school cuz you know how it feels:)

    Hang in there, sweetie!  Better days are coming:)

  2. My god, you need to shut the **** up. Life sucks, it is as simple as that. Sure we have fun and stuff, but you have to do a lot of things that suck and you don't want to.

    So the easiest advice is suck it up, and get over it. I moved from the most advanced school in the country to the shittiest one. You can buy crack from the teachers, and do whatever the h**l you want. So what I did, is make friends with everybody, and ignore their stupid habits.

    And you are 13, why in the h**l are you crying over that stupid ****. Get over it, and life will move on. Jesus Christ.  

  3. I don't know man, sometimes you just have to live, learn and adapt. it's unfortunate that you got kicked out of your old school but you can always stay friends with the people you knew there.

    My best friend switched schools a couple of years ago and he was in a position just like you. it took him awhile but eventually he made friends. however he was still able to keep his old friends as well.

    My advice to you is think of it as a new beginning. take it slow, make some friends in class, a place where you can easily find out their name. then aknowledge them at lunch or in the halls, do your best and I know someone will like you. After you get  to know this first person you'll be able to be yourself a lot more easily and things will be looking up.

    lean back on you r friends from your old school for support. I'm sure they'll care deeply and listen. perhaps even find an adult mentor, a teacher that you like in this new school. run your situation by them and they'll probably give you some real good advice as well.

    good luck in school. just remember, everyone has new beginnings, your not alone so just be yourself and you'll be back on top in no time.

  4. completely remind me of myself.

    This is exactly what happened to me during 7th grade. All you need to focus is your academics right now. That will definitely steer your attention away. Instead of thinking how mean everyone is, TRY to communicate with them. It is hard, but you won't know until you try.

    I also hid during lunch. Well, I would go to the library to do hw instead. I was by myself every single day in every single class. It was definitely horrible. I couldn't even speak to my parents because they weren't even with me at that time.

    I really didn't make any friends until 2/3 of the school year passed.

    I turned from an extrovert into an introvert through this process. Everyone assumes that I am quiet now.

    I HATE that. It was because of the environment that I turned this way.

    Remember not to let anyone or anything change who you are and be strong.

    Eventually and gradually, I guarantee you will find your place.

    If you ever need to talk, don't hesitate to email me. :)

    First of all, there's a HUGE difference in values about this depending if you're a guy or girl. Obviously, some of you here can't find any compassion. Also, we're not talking about the school or teachers as a whole and how you can get crack. It's about the people and the way she feels, dorkheads.

  5. Yah, listen to Dan J. You are being a baby. Get over it. You are a part of life, and life changes and you have to as well.

    So who cares if you have no friends and everybody hates you, and you are a freak in the eyes of everybody. SUCKS FOR YOU.

    And I went to high school where the teachers did crack in class.

    SO SHUT UP! Get the **** over it.  

  6. should of thought about the consequences before fooling around... well there is no use in reminiscing about your past so just get on with your education... it would probably get better over time...
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