
My parents dog knocked my daughter...?

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my parents dog knocked my daughter into my parents pool. She went under for 3 - 5 seconds. Now she won't fall asleep or let go of my arms or my husbands arms, she won't even go to my parents or anything. did you ever experience anything close to this? how can I assure her everything is okay. She didn't even let me give her a bath, I had to take a bath with her. The dog is in my parents room (were staying the night at their house). Please help me. And we can't leave my parents house there is construction being done at our house. So that is not a option.




  1. how old is she sounds like she just needs alot of reasuring that you and her dad is there for her just remember that her understanding is on the 2 year old leval and give lots of hugs and i love yous and that shes oks

  2. poor thing. you might try taking her in your arms and going into the pool together briefly. sounds like she was terrified.  

  3. She is terrified from what happened and she just wants Mommy and Daddy to be around her. This is very normal. Sooner or later she will fall asleep. Just keep comforting her, she was mortified.

  4. Just comfort her. When someone goes through some sort of trama sometimes it takes awhile to get over.

  5. Sorry to hear about that.

    My parents have an in-ground pool, and none of the grandchildren are allowed near without a life jacket, even when not swimming (unless of course they are able to swim unaided)

    Just going to have to be patient with her, I would recommend swimming lessons, a family friend used them when their little boy was pushed in a pool by another child.

  6. Sometimes the reaction of other people can make a minor oops, into a mountain.  

    I'm sure there was a big panic to get her out and the dog may have been blamed/reprimanded in her presence.  A big deal for a two year old.  

    In the future, remain calm, laugh it off a bit and tell her the silly dog thought she was so big and could swim with him/her.  Pretend to tell the dog that she is not allowed to go in with just the dog, she must have a grown-up person.  

    As for tonight, tell her it's time to explain to the doggie why you all got upset, and make nice with Grandma & Grandpa too.  

    Make sure the dog is better controlled or not in the pool area.  My own dogs are not allowed to come more than 5 feet from my little Nephew.  A sharp "uh-uh" from me and they go away.

  7. I know how she the age of three I was thrown into 13ft of water and I couldn't swim and all I can remember was me going down and the light getting further and further away as people screamed at me to swim! It is one of the worst and terrifying memories I have from my childhood..please reassure her that it's ok and like the other person said try to get into the pool with her you all as parents are her safety net and your strength and courage to beat this will make her more sure of herself and conquer this incident, but it will take baby steps! As longs as you continue to put forth an effort to make her feel better and secure she'll progress.No one really helped me get over that incident and up to this day I am terrified of deep water...I was terrified of all water but seeing my friends have some much fun made me at least try getting in the shallow end but as for going past five feet no can do...I believe for me to get over it and move pass my fear I will need counseling because I as a child I did not have that reassuring mother or father to help me overcome it and it still haunts me. It is never to be taken lightly all parents should handle this situation with much love and care and attention! My eyes well up as I send this to you cuz I know exactly how your daughter feels and I don't wish that anxiety or fear on anyone! She is blessed to have such loving caring parents in her life such as you! :)

    God bless you and yours!

  8. i tell u what u can make her knock that d**n dog into the pool see how the dog feel or u can just sing her songs or whatever and she should feel OK after a while

  9. I would take her to the E.R. right away it sounds like she could be experiencing some shock and it would worry me to much to risk anything serious.  

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