
My parents hit me.....

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I'm 16, I'm not a bad kid or anything, but my family is falling apart. We're all very stressed out, and my parents think it's okay to yell at me and slap me whenever they want to. They only do it to blow off steam (and because I'm conveniently right there), but they blame me for everything that goes wrong in the family and always are telling me how much they wish I was off to university already.

I think we need family counseling, but they're too busy and would never consider doing something like that. They also scream at each other and throw things around. I get really scared of them sometimes, but there's nobody I can tell and no relatives I can live with.

My parents make me feel so anxious and afraid to be in my own house, and I don't know what to do about it. I still love them, but it seems like they don't love me a lot of the time. They lay on guilt for things I did wrong and how miserable I make them, and they yell at me more when I cry. They're probably getting a divorce soon, and I don't know what to do then.




  1. Well if you have a school counsler talk to them about this or a school therapist or a friend you trust or a parent or talk to your mom or dad i hope you friend a miracle.

                (^_^)   Misssassyfuzzy

  2. You're right. Your family needs some sort of help, be it counceling or something ortherwise.

  3. You need to get out of there!! Have you ever listened to the Dawson Mcallister show?? If not you should try calling in to the hopeline!! the # is 1 800 394 4673!! You should really call!! He has helped so many teens and young adults with stories like yours!!!! But seriously you need to get away before something badd happens!!! They have no right to hit you for there problems!! Let me know if you wanna know anything about calling Dawson!! I am serious he can help!

  4. If you get hit then you should call social services because no parents should hit their kid. If your parents get a divorce and you dont want to live with either of them you should ask to be put in a different home.  

  5. yea call social services or have a friends parents help you.

    if i got hit by a parent id hit them back...

  6. wow that's horrible. I'm sorry but ultimately you have to do whatever you feel is right. I'm 16 also and things used to be the same for me except it was my dad who used to hit me but i started showing him that he didn't scare me anymore and it stopped. He still tries to act tough but i just look at him like "seriously?" and he just stops. but I hope things get better for you. =]

    If you want to talk you can email me??(I wont put my email address on here but you can go to my profile and email me from there) and maybe things will get better if they get a divorce?? it may hurt or may be hard to deal with but it will be better then having all that frustration and anger bottled up in the same house.

  7. Just hang in there you'll make my parents did the same thing too.Just having a rough time right now it will go away soon I promise.

  8. Wow i'm really sorry to hear that. This is gonna sound harsh but If they really loved you do you think that they would beat you? It's called child abuse. Don't let it continue. I hate to say call the cops but that might be exactly what you have to do. There are many websites and phone numbers to call for help. Don't wait. Google Child Abuse for more info. Don't be affraid to talk to the school counselor

  9. u better talk to someone that can help u before it is to late like someone at school or your friends parents

  10. try to forgive them, or try to help them with their problems? apologize when you know you did wrong things and mean it. when there sort of calm, you can apologize.... this works for me. try to help them do chores and work.. i dunno. just be friendly as much as you can. im sorry im not much help! i hope this works for you.

  11. wow that sucks u need to call like the cops or something if there hitting u cause thats not kool

  12. once school starts again, go to your school consular. if any of their hitting goes extreme, call the police. but there are people to get help from. like hot lines. look up local hot lines for situations like yours so you can get professional help.  
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