
My period a week late but?

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okay heres the deal my period today is now a week late i have never missed a period or had one later then 3 days so this is really weird. normally i always have s*x with my boyfriend so idk if I'm pregnant or not. I took a pee pregnancy test at the doctors yesterday but it came out negative but i never miss my period & I haven't been under any stress, what can it be? can i still be pregnant even tho the test at the doctors says no but i have no period? i don't even feel like i am going to get on my period like i normally feel 3 days before i get on it. are tests positive that early? how long should i wait to do another one or should i even do another one?




  1. Just take a pregnancy test again, the first one can always be wrong.

  2. Even with the pregnancy tests that say they detect pregnancy earlier than your missed period, you're supposed to wait two weeks after a missed period.  I had a test at the dr.'s office come out negative when I really was pregnant also, so it can happen, but pregnancy is just one of those things you have to wait it out.  You can take 50 tests and get half positive and half negative results.  The best thing to do is wait, try not to think about it, and in another week or two, I'd take another test and consult your dr. whether it's positive or negative.  You need prenatal care if it's positive, and if it's negative there could be something else going on that needs attention.  Best of luck

  3. Forget about your period when taking your test,.  I ovulate days before my period somehow.  I know because I have one child concieved days before my period was due.  

    Wait 3 weeks from the day you think you have concieved.  If you still dont get your period in another 2 weeks, test again.  The results should be reliable.  Ask your doctor to test again then too


  4. take another one, i would say take a couple just to be sure.

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