
My period stops at night?

by  |  earlier

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Every night my period sorta stops, but the second i stand up i can feel it gushing out. Last month this happened to, but before that my pad was soaked, and i got it all over my underwear and PJ's. Is this normal?




  1. it slows down when you arent active.... so when you sleep it just stays there and when you start moving it picks back up again. that is totally normal.

  2. This is very normal. Imagine if you laid a half empty water bottle on it's side. when you turned it back over, all of the water would come out! It is the same concept. This happens to everyone, I promise!

  3. It's normal. But, it doesn't stop at night. It's just that gravity isn't pulling it down when you are lying horizontal. When you're vertical, gravity works its magic.

  4. yes, this is completely normal! however, i can't really tell you why it happens because i dont know. maybe someone else can answer that. lol but it happens to me too. and since you use pads, try to avoid sleeping on your back when you're on your period to avoid it soaking through your underwear and pj's.  :]

  5. NORMAL !!

  6. Normal  

    Isnt life grand  !  

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