
My periods late..????

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I normally get my periods like the last week or so of a month. But this time I havent :S

My last period was on the 24th July

I'm still a virgin so its not like I'm pregnant or whatever.

But I wanted to know is this normal?

In the past, once or twice I went a month without my period but that happened when I started my period for the first first time.

It could be that my periods later than usual but still is this normal?




  1. yeah i think as long as ur a virgin ur fine.

  2. its been four days chill out


  3. You're probably just late, don't worry. I've been a couple weeks late at times and usually am a week late every time.

  4. if you're a virgin, it's fine. periods take a while to settle down, and sometimes never do

  5. Sometimes you egg will be delayed for whatever reason, do not worry. Your only off by a few days so nothings wrong. Mine was over two weeks late and I was on the pill, I wasnt a virgin and we even used a condom so I was xtra worried

  6. its only a few days late, relax and  it will come ,but  probably when you least want it, and are wanting to wear nice white trousers! grrr

  7. the first couple of years of your periods will be off.Your body just needs time to adjust some things out.

  8. Sometimes your period just comes late. It's just a fact. Because you're a virgin, you really don't have anything to worry about. It'll probably come within the next couple of days.  

  9. sometimes this can happen. are you stressed out about anything at the minute...that cold delay it

  10. Some women have regular cycles and some don't. And then some women's cycles get thrown off by a change in diet, exercise, sleep changes, stress (good or bad stress), etc. I wouldn't worry too much about it, you'll probably get it soon!

  11. My periods are never on time. I have also skipped a month or two. I blame mine on stress.

  12. Don't worry!! It won't come the same week or day every time, like im usually at the last of the month, but for 2 months now, it has been at the beggining!!

  13. yeah that can be normal, my periods are all over the place and i am still a virgin.  you will be fine by the way.  if it still doesnt come for another couple of weeks then maybe go to the doctor.  yeah you will definatly not be pregnant so that can be ticked off the list.  

    Hope you are ok.  you can actually get pills that either stop the period or get the period back in the order that it should be in  

  14. I am assuming you are a teenager. If so, it's normal for your periods to be a little off schedule. It could be stress related.

  15. Yes everything will be normal. I was supposed to get mine nearly two weeks ago and I only got it last night. I also once missed my period for nearly two years!

    You mentioned missing periods in the past and it's probably just happened again. It could be random, or you could be stressed or tired or eating a different diet. All of these could contribute.

    If you're a virgin there's nothing to worry about. Just enjoy your period-free life for now! If you miss it a couple of times then you might want to visit the doctor's if you're worried, but try not to worry!


  16. well it's very possiable that ur hormone arent fully developed...tht causes it 2 become not normal...

    the same thing happen 2 mii..buh instead of it not cummin, i had it for 3 monthsz none stop..imagein i just went 2 dii doctors n hii gave mii birth control n i jus became a teen buh itsz ok

    if ur period dosent *** jus vist a doc n everythinh will b ok...gud luck ;)

  17. yep its normal especially if you are still in your teen years - it will fluctuate for a while before it evens out.

    some peoples periods are random for a long time, no biggie .:)

  18. Yes its normal. Your periods can be effected by lots of things, I lost mine for a while when I lost a lot of weight. If your really worried go and see your doc but I think you'll find your worrying needlessly
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