
My pool is a mess.?

by Guest59432  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike pool is a mess and i need advice! i that a 5000 gallon above ground pool, 15 ft by 36 inches deep. it was covered with green algea yesterday, and i went to the aquachem website and did a water analasis. i put in what they told me to use, and now it's not green anymore, it looks like milk! it's super super super chlorinated and the ph is way above 8.2! what can i do about this? how can i get the levels to even out and get normal again? is it possible to fix this problem before the end of the day today?? my kids and husband are driving me crazy to go swimming in it!




  1. You need to continue backwashing the pool until the clarity improves.  The pH should come down some naturally but you may need to add some acid to help it out.  It would be better to wait until the clarity is better and chemicals balanced before swimming in it, if that is today - good for you, but I doubt it.

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