
My puppy....????????

by  |  earlier

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My puppy is limping. I checked his leg and it felt a little warm to me. what do you think it is? Should I wait a few hours to see if he's still hurt or should I go ahead and call the vet?




  1. Personally,

    I would call the vet and get their opinion. They will ask a few questions that will help you determine if the dog needs to go in now.

    good luck and I hope its not serious.

  2. when i read that you checked for heat in the leg i knew you were a horse back rider and then i saw your screen name lol!! If he is limping there is a problem - big or small take him to the vet.

  3. You should take your puppy to the vet A.S.A.P. Hope he's OK!

  4. Check his foot, between the toes to make sure he doesn't have a sticker or something in there. If not call the vet.
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