
My puppy was exposed to Parvo...?

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The person I purchased my new pup from had a case of Parvo break out while he was still there. He had one unvaccinated pup die and another contracted it as well but was vaccinated and is now recovering. He showed no signs of the disease and since the outbreak, the infected dog has been kept quarantined. He's also been given more shots to prevent Parvo and gets his last one in about 2 more weeks. I went to see the dog and he seemed normal, was running around, playing,etc. I bleached my hands and anything that came in contact with him before returning home to our other dogs so they are ok, but before I bring him home I want to know if there's a big chance he may have it or pass it on.

P.S. Our other dogs have all had the complete series of Parvo shots.




  1. I purchased a puppy from a petstore (which I would typically never do, but fell in love) and was promised the puppy was healthy and had been vet checked with it's first shots.  They had the paperwork as proof.  I even took the pup to my vet to get have it "health checked" that same day, and got the ok from my vet.

    4 days later the puppy appeared listless and began vomiting yellow liquid with a very strong smell, and I rushed to a 24hr vet.  The pup tested positive for parvo and the vet gave us a less than 50% chance it would survive on the treatment (which was over $3000)  It was a very emotional decision to put the puppy down.  We bleached EVERYTHING in the house, the yard, lawn and patio stones and tossed the pups toys.  We were still told not to bring a puppy into the house for 3-6 months.  

    It was a devastating experience and I would definitely not wish it upon anyone else. I would stay clear of anything that has come in contact with the parvo virus.  

  2. If your dogs are properly vaccinated and the pup appears healthy and vaccinated than you have no worries.  Have fun with your new puppy.

  3. Has the puppy been tested for Parvo?  If not, get it done.  We had a pup that we found out 2 of his litter mates had died so they were all tested----positive.  Our pup spent 5 nights at the vets on IV's etc.  He was the only pup from a litter of 6 that lived.  Please get you pup tested ASAP so if he is positive he has a chance.

  4. Good thing with the bleach.  You might want to quarantine the dog until it goes to the vet for a check up.  I never bring new dogs into my house without having them checked first.  Make sure you get a guarantee from the pet owner that you will either get your money back or get a replacement dog if this new one has Parvo.

    Any dog breeder that acquires Parvo is not a reputable breeder, so maybe you should look elsewhere.

  5. Vaccinations will protect your dogs from this.

    I belive i puppy that my have had parvo can become a carrier but that will not matter so long as the dogs that you already have are vaccinated.

    Good on you though for being thoughtful and looking out for your dogs.

    You seem like a very good dog owner.

  6. Puppies are the only ones that generally get parvo.  If your other dogs are older you don't have to worry about it.  If not just make sure that you keep new puppy away from your dogs at home for a few days and then you will know.

  7. Call your vet and verify what I am going to say.

    Do NOT bring the puppy home until the kennel has all their dogs out of quarantine, and there have been no new cases within the incubation period.  Your vet will advise on this.

    Ask the breeder if your vet may call his vet for confirmation.

    Insist that the puppy is bathed immediately before you pick him/her up and is hand carried from sterilised grooming area to you - or take the puppy directly to your vet for an exam and bath before you take him home.

    These may seem like extreme precautions - but they are safe ones. Good luck and kudos to the breeder for being honest about the outbreak, but please do talk to your vet about it. He/she will be taking care of your puppy's medical needs after you take him home.

    One more thing - healthy dogs do not "carry" parvo - and that includes dogs that have had the disease and recovered. However they can carry the virus externally on their feet and their fur - that is why a through bathing from top to bottom is necessary - to make sure a healthy puppy has not walked on any infected ground bringing the virus home.

  8. To be perfectly honest... I wouldn't get the puppy because he could be a carrier.  And your other dogs could be at risk.  Older dogs do get parvo.  They're at lower risk if they're up to date on their shots, but all dogs are prone to this viris and it could lead to death.

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