
My rat is going into depression!?

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My best friend maddi gave me her two rats, sugar and spice. They've been in a cage together for almost a year now, as of yesterday because sugar past away. Watching her die was terrible! but last night was spices first night alone and I can tell she is already missing her best friend. So I wasn't sure if rats could go into depression because if they can then i'm sure spice is. I was wondering if there is any way to prevent this. And if there is anyway to prevent my rat dieing on me all the time. I've had 3 rats die on me before the same way she did, which would be starting of by sneezing trouble breathing and then they have some sort of attack and can't breath so they start spazing. Then they stop breathing and there is still a very faint heart beat and then nothing! How do I prevent this from happening again????

this is a picture of sugar and spice! spice(black hooded) sugar (albino(don't know how 2 spell it))




  1. The description of the death leads me to thinking they had respiratory infections. These are normally caused by them living in dirty cages. How often do you clean their cage? Most people do this weekly, but maybe you should do it more often. What type of bedding do they have? This can also play a factor.

    When rats first get strained breathing for whatever cause, they will have audible, noisy breathing. At this point, it is very important that you take them to a vat for medication. If you wait and do nothing, their breathing will get worse to the point of being incurable. If Spice is breathing noisily (healthy rats breathe completely silently) please take her to th vet. As their breathign worsens, the ywill also have red cischarge from their eyes and nose. Respiratory illnesses are very containgeous, so I woulod think she was also ill.

    Here are some things you can try at home that will NOT cure the rat, but might help the medication work better.

    I'm sorry for poor Sugar :( They look so sweet in the pic.

    Rats can definately get depressed, it has been scientifically proven. What you must do, is handle Spice a lot more than usual, giving her lots of treats and distractions.

    Here are some toy and game ideas to do with her:

    Whenever I had only a single rat left and no option to get her friends, I used to feel so horrible for making it stay in the cage by itself, that I always had it out wiht me, riding around on my shoulder. With one particularily tame rat, I set up food, water and hiding boxes on my table, and she lived there without a cage, unless I had to leave my house. But I don't suggest you do this unless she already extremely familiar and trusted out ofhte cage. One thing I really suggest you try if you don't already, is "rat-proofing" a room, and letting he run around while you watch her.

    Here is some info on that:

    If you want to do even better for her, get her some ratty friends. But remember that Spice first has to get treated for her respiratory illness. As well, there is a waiting "quarantine" preiod, and after than an "introduction" period.

    If you are interested, read this: ('Info' and then 'New Rat')

  2. I'm sorry about that=(  Rats can be depressed, but you can:

    ~Hold her alot

    ~Give her treats

    ~Let her out of her cage

    ~And make sure she has a clean cage with food and water

    This will make her feel happier.  Rats have a small brain so they forget things very quickly, so Spice won't act depressed for that long.  

    Rats die because of old age, and sometimes because of lack of attention or movement.  Make sure your doing all of the things above, and I'm sure Sugar will survive for a long time.

  3. you spelled albino right.  And they are both adoralbe

    almost all species of animals are social creatures.  If you are unable to have other rats with it, give it some love and play with him for a while.

    and the death sounds like a disease or virus.  did you thouroughly disinfect the cage after the rats died?

  4. rat sized defribulator.

  5. #1 thing: give them plenty of love and attention

    make sure you care for them properly. try going outside and holding them in the sunlight for a little bit everyday. let them play and make an open space they can just run around in every now and then. sun light helps.

    good luck!

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