
My ratings disappeared?

by  |  earlier

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I have the rating set at the advanced rating option and has been working fine for months. All of a sudden two days ago it stopped there is nothing there anywhere for rating anything. It I click the mouse were they should be at I get a white box but there is nothing there for me to rate anything? Any ideas why?




  1. could be from there update give it a day or two

  2. This is just one of the many questions submitted related to the recent upgrade where support for several features were dropped without notifying paying subscribers.

    I became a paying subscriber when Launchcast was a beta and have been mostly satisfied. When the upgrade lost My Stations settings I recreated it and it recalled my music ratings as far as I can tell (two days of checking).

    Contacting support does not help as they never respond and some of the email submission links are not valid and return the mail as sent to an invalid address - my dollars at work!

  3. Ask me if I care.

  4. then reset them.

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