
My robo hamster help!!!!?

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ok i bought a robo hamster like 1 week ago and i can pet her and hold her and feed her by puting broccolie on my hand all the time and all of a suddend she bit me!!!! is she scared of me? or is she shy? or not confadint with me yet help!!! oh srry for the bad spelling but help




  1. she might just be scared of her new house give hertime to get used to it and she will be fine : )

  2. She probably bit you because you didnt wash your hands they have a good sense of smell so she maybe smelt food on your hand. I have robos to they bit me but it may because you have the scent of foood on you. Or you maybe picked her up to fast or hard she maybe got scarred and bit!Thats most likely the cause.

    Good luck!

  3. Let her alone for awhile. Remember for the little hamster, we're all giant monsters. They don't know what we're going to do. (What if a giant hand came crashing in at your front door and wanted to pet you ???. You might be hiding in the bedroom.)

  4. that is very bad!

    robo hamsters are NOT suppose to bite.

    if she is eating out of your hand its not a confidance issue,

    but its was probably just that your hand smelled like broccoli and she mistook the smell as broccoli.

    sorry thats all i can think of right now


    hopefully thats was the problem though

  5. its so young. maybe he's experimenting with his teeth. alot of hammies do that. dont worry- if he doesnt bite you again he might of just had a bad day. or, you could have touched something that made him angry- wash your hands before handling him. if he doesnt bite you again dont worry- but if it gets worse, get a vet.

  6. Heres what id do, leave her be for a few days. That is normal. Just make sure there are no sudden movements or noises and it wont happen again. if i were u id run som Hydrogen Peroxide on the cut (If it broke skin).

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