
My school is doing Peter Pan. . .?

by  |  earlier

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and we need some ideas about how to make peter pan "fly" or appear that he is "flying"!!




  1. ropes or fishing line. or just project it and have him speak his lines somewhere off stage. whatever works and is inside the budget

  2. Don't try and fly Peter yourself, whatever you do, if you don't know what you're doing it can be extremely dangerous - best example was an amateur production of Jesus Christ Superstar where they did Judas' hanging themselves, got it wrong and he hanged on stage and died in front of an audience.  If you must have Peter actually fly, get the professionals in - ZFX (as suggested by another poster) or Flying by Foy - Google either of them and you should get contact info.  It won't be cheap, but it will be safe, which has to be the primary concern.

    Going down the non-flying route, you can be clever with ladders, black cloth and clever lighting to trick the audience - it's common and it works well if done properly.  Use a truck painted black, have Peter lie on it and push it across the stage.  Or, I've seen it done with puppets - figures on sticks, operators dressed entirely in black (full-face hoods as well) holding the puppets up high in a light that was focused off the floor - it looked absolutely beautiful.

  3. If you are going to use actual flying effects, you need to contact ZFX Flying Illusions.  DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES TRY TO DO THE FLYING EFFECTS WITH ANYTHING LESS THAN PROFESSIONALS!!!!!!!!!!  The flying stunts are extremely dangerous.  If you try to do them with something you ghetto rig yourself, someone will get hurt...or worse.  I'm not kidding!  I'll cost some money, probably take most of your budget, but it's worth it.  The guys at ZFX are really great and will make everything safe.

  4. I actually went to Beauty and the beast the musical.. And when beast wuz flying (when transforming to a human).. He looks really doo flying and we can barely see ropes (just loads of smokes)

    so, just get a good rope, and just do the flying act with smokes


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