
My serve sucks again?

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I'm on the volleyball team, and I want to make varisity next year. That's NOT gonna happen with a serve like mine. I have no idea what to do!! I know my toss sucks, but it DOES have to be a LITTLE bit in front of me, right? and when you strike the ball, are you trying to hit it up a little? Because my serves go down... And how do I get more power? When my serves do make it over, they JUST make it. Boy, I'm in big trouble.


Please can i have STEP BY STEP instructions as to how to serve the ball over the net???

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!




  1. Talk to your coach and express your desire of improving on serving.

    You may "invite" everyone to watch your serve and tell you what went wrong.

    Don't hide your trouble to yourself, and you will be good with the help from your team and your coach.

  2. its hard to explain when ur on the computer i play volleyball too and my coach said toss the ball until you think it looks like a good toss when you got the toss down then just hitter, i usually cup my hand, but i don't anymore.

    alls i can say is that my friend could not do it either and she ended up being our best. cuz she practice

    just go practice. find out yourself i guess

    sorry i might not have helped much

    good luck!

  3. 1. Make sure you are lined up correctly

         -Put your feet together at a 45 degree angle

         -Spread them apart to where you are comfortable, keeping them at the proper angle.

    2. Align you tossing hand

         -Your hand should be parallel to your hitting arm, not straight out in front of you.

    3. Toss

         -Keeping your tossing hand parallel to hitting hand, gently lift the ball STRAIGHT UP so it doesn't move behind your head.

    4. Steps

         -At this moment, your right foot should be behind your left. When approaching the ball, there are two options.

       a. The One-Step

            -Take one small step with your left foot.

       b. The Two-Step

            -Take one small step with your right foot, and then another with your left.

    5. Strike

         -The ball is in the air, and you bring your hitting arm back, up, and using your palm (not your fist) you will hit the ball in it's center, and still watching the ball, snap your wrist to add topspin.

         -Finish your serve by bringing your arm to your thigh, this will add power and direction.

  4. What I do is practice my tosses. This is how i put a piece of tape or something as my marker on the floor, then I step up to it(have your big toe about 2 1/2 inches from the marker) then I toss the ball up and let it fall and see how many times I can get it to land or hit the marker. As for your actual serving, my friend has the same problem, What I do is hold the ball out in front of me and my other arm is back by my ear (similar to how you hold a bow and arrow) toss the ball up so it is about 1/2 a foot higher then your arm when it is extended vertically, and hit it when it comes down to where your serving hand is. To build more muscle go out running or walking with 5 lb weights and just flex your arms back and forth. Hope this helps and Good Luck!

  5. (this is for a righty) toss it up and bring your right arm back like a bow and arrow and toss the ball up a little bit in front of you and take a step with your left foot and hit the ball...thats really all there is to it

  6. I serve right handed. Therefore i start about 2-3 feet behind the service line with my left foot forward so i can transfer my weight during the serve. This has worked well for me as my serving accuracy is very high. Whats most important is getting the ball over consistently, power can be added later. I have used that approach and it works. Remember, when serving you need to be able to get at LEAST 80% of your serves over the net and in bounds. Anything less tends to be ineffective.



  8. I usually start far far far away from the line. I spin the ball a little, then place my serving hand on it to keep it still. I toss it lightly and about a foot higher than the peak of my hands (when my hands are reaching the tallest). I keep my tossing hand up to guide me to the ball while loading my serving hand. When the ball gets down to the same height as my tossing hand, I quickly swing at the ball very fast. As for where to hit the ball, it kind of depends on your height. If you are short, then try hitting it at the bottom, but not too much. If you're tall, then try hitting it right in the middle.

    Some other things to know:

    -Always have your opposite leg of your serving arm in forward so that you can transfer your weight (ex. if you're right handed, have your left leg in front of your right)

    -Make sure that when you do hit the ball, your arm is fully extended

    -Sometimes taking a step into the ball helps (ex. starting with your right leg and then stepping in with your left), it helps transfer weight

  9. well if ur right handed then for about 5 min. (that mite b long but it helps) toss the ball up and c where it lands work on consistency and gettin it to fall right in front uf ur foot thats foreward. then work on armswing (without the ball) put ur left hand out in front uf u and pull ur right arm back to where it looks like ur thumb is in ur ear. then pull up ur right arm and extend it up as high as u can then swing through. next bring the ball back and toss up the ball and do ur swing but instead uf hitting swing a little late so u dont hav 2 chase after the ball evry time (this will help w. timin) then get against a wal or sumthin w/out glass or anything breakable and practice serving. watch 4 foot faults. swing fast this will give u power so it can go farther over the net. (dont worry on placin the ball just yet) when u hit it ur right hand should b infront uf u but not to far in front uf u and ur arm should b as high up as it can go. dont push the ball but swing through. ur hand should hit almost on top uf the ball but not exactly. keep doin this over and over for about 20 min. for now it is okay to do big lollipop (high in the air) serves as long as they go ovr, but as u gett bettr work on flattening out ur serve so it just barely goes ovr the net(those r really hard to return). by time tryouts come if u still cant overhand serve then just underhand it (as long as u get them ovr its ok, i'd rather get them ovr by underhandin it than not gettin it ovr by ovrhandin it)  also work on a technique (i play vball and evrytime b4 i serve i hit the ball to myself 3 times then spinnin it in my hands then squat and dribble it 5 times very fast then spin it in my hands then serve) (i no that seems like a lot but it doesnt take very long and it just helps me) u need sumthin like that. maybe not exactly wat mine is but hav ur own technique and do that technique evrytim b4 u serve. wen ur servin start a little bit behind the out line so u hav room to take a few steps (this will build power) but dont foot fault   also  get the serve in! all these things should help

    oh btw if ur a lefty then evrything i said about left switch it 2 right hand and evrything i said about right hand switch it to left hand.

  10. Okay, first of all, don't worry about it. Everyone's serves go through rough patches. But as a pretty basic step by step guide:

    1.Start with your left leg a little behind your right, with your right arm in a bow and arrow shape.

    2. With your left hand, toss the ball in FRONT of you, about a foot above your head.

    3. As you swing, step with your left foot, and SWING FAST. I mean as fast as you possibly can.

    4. Make sure you follow through with your arm swing and the whole rest of your body.

    If your left-handed, just switch to the other arm and leg.

    And if it takes a while, don't panic and just keep practicing. Different people get their overhand serve at different times than other people. For example, I absolutely COULDN'T overhand serve, so I was really worried at try-outs. But then, pretty much at those try-outs, I found that I had gotten stronger over the summer, and I was swinging a lot faster, so all my serves were going over and in.

    I hope I helped, and remember, just KEEP PRACTICING.

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