
My sister's guinea pig; Help!!?

by  |  earlier

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My sister, has a guinea pig, but she is allergic to it, so she dont look at it or anything, But recently my mum has realized, that it has 2 lumps, Formed underneath its belly. It pooing alright and everything.




  1. You need to take it to a small animal vet, it could be fat sacks or cancerous tumors. Once a guinea pig is sick, they can go downhill in 24 hours. If he survives, it would be best to get him a buddy. Guinea pigs are like humans and love to have company of their own kind.

  2. It could be pregnant, if she got it at a pet store recently. If not it could have some kind of tumor. I had a golden-hampster once, and it developed a huge tumor on its belly, it lived with it for two years with no major symptoms. If there's a vet that specializes on small animals in your area you could take it to the vet, but it's really tough to work on small animals. Good luck, hope this helped a little :-)

  3. Oh no, have you gotten it recently?  It could easily be pregnant if you got it from a pet store.  They don't know the first thing about animals and could have easily put it in a cage with a male.

  4. i dont have a guinea pig, but my hamster has two lumps and i thougt that they were his privates.

  5. hi karen. If your guinea pig is doing everything fine, then that means its okay i guess. But lumps on the belly?! i Really think you should take it to the vet or a pet store. Whenever i have a question to ask i just call Petco or Petsmart. But if you are too cheap to take it to the vet [[some people are cheap!]] then take it to a high class pet store, like Petco or Petsmart!! Please if you really cared about your guinea pig you would show it to the small animal vet.If you got your guinea pig recently from a pet store it may be pregnant if its a female.

    GOOOODDD LUCKK!!!! email me and let me know how it works out with your little guinea pig!!

  6. you really need to take it to the vets asap

  7. I'd take it to the vet and have your mom get your sister some Clairitin. It's great for allergies.

  8. It could just be matted hair - we had a pig and he developed a hard, gnarly mat of hair - we thought it was a tumor for a while, until we finally took a good look at it and realized it was matted hair. Snipped off the hair, and he was fine.

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