
My sister is SO ungrateful!!!

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My sister, Olivia, is really into photography and has been using a 3.2 megapixel crappy camera.. so my mom got her a thousand dollar olympus e-volt 500

Olivia told my mom, quote "you ruined my birthday"

then i saw a question on Y!A that Olivia asked "how much money can i get out of an olympus evolt 500??

the camera she got was REALLY good and we NEVER get b-day presents that expensive. my mom feels so bad. I told my mom that my sister doesnt get to be rude to her and that she needs to do something besides letting olivia ***** on her

my mom is falling into depression and what my sister did and said is making her feel really bad, my dad is starting a buisiness and we currently live on no income (we are living off of my parents retirement fund, that had more than a million in it) we are pretty well off but we need to budget, my mom always calls me crying about how my sister never appreciates anything and how she has wasted thousands trying to make my sister happy

i think i want to talk to Olivia.. but what should i say?




  1. Forward this letter to your sister and include the fact that your mother cares for your sister deeply and felt that her talents warranted a truly professional quality camera, despite the fact that it really wasn't within the budget.

    Your sisters selfish and hurtful comment was aimed directly at your mother and hit her just as she intended. Your sister is a b*****. and should be ashamed of herself. She didn't deserve to even be remembered at all.  

  2. Maybe you should tell her to appreciate what she already has, because she is very blessed in so many ways. Most kids don't get nearly the kind of love, support, and gifts she receives, so maybe instead of yelling at the person who bought you a very nice present, you should thank them profusely for even thinking of you with such regard or else those kinds of gifts will be few and far between.

  3. I think you should talk to Olivia. What she has done and said would upset anyone! Just tell her how it looks from an outsiders point of view....Like she is a spoilt brat!

    What she has done is really ungrateful.

  4. that should be her last present.

  5. Maybe your sister felt bad because she knows that the family needs to budget, and for your mom to go out and spend money on such an expensive camera for an inexperienced photographer might be to her, a waste. Maybe she feels that the family should be spending money on better things?

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