
My sisters snake isn't eating?

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my sisters snake hasn't been eating in 4 weeks. the snake sleeps with her. she took it to the vet and they said nothing is wrong. she says that it used to sleep curled up at the end of the bed now its stretched out next to her. it's a huge snake. does anyone know why it isn't eating? could it be sick? the vet said nothing is wrong? two weeks ago she took it, should she take it back? she didn't tell about how it used to sleep and how it sleeps now. is that a problem? she's worried because she loves this snake




  1. THE WORST THING TO DO IS FORCE FEED it can harm the snake and would you like it if someone was shoving food down your throught. some snakes can go over 60 months without eating even more so dont worry

    for the sleeping in the bed i would sugest she get a cage as snakes are not like other pets snakes are escape masters so unless she want s it to escape and get injured i would suggest a cage.

    and if anyone tells you that the snake is sizing her up to eat her forget it its not true snakes dont do that

    p.s.what type of snake is it

  2. oh my god.

    the same thing happend to my friend.

    snakes fast for 4 weeks before they eat a BIG meal.

    the snake is planning to eat her.

    they will stretch theirself next to their prey to see if they are big enough to eat their prey.

    when you take it to the vet he will probobly suggest putting it down. its a VERY dangerous snake.

  3. This question is fake, and this person is a troll. He/she is alluding to the old "snake is fasting and is lying next to the owner measuring it for a meal" urban myth.

    Poorly told, but it looks like a few posters fell for it. (Lauren L- twice, apparently)

    Here it is in its entirety:

  4. The snake is stretched out along her because its using her for heat.  What kind of humidity requirements does this snake need?  Is it getting them in her bed?

    It belongs safely in its own habitat, under controlled heat and controlled conditions for its own safety and health.

    Reptiles frequently cut back eating as the season changes to cold.  It should resume eating soon.

    You didn't mention what this snake's normal eating pattern is, so we don't know if not eating for a month is something to be concerned about, or not.

    If it's a snake which usually eats every other week (or more frequently) and has not eaten for 6-8 wks., then I would say yes, another trip to the vet would be in order.

    Was the reptile checked for parasites?  This can also put an animal off feeding.

    Again, it is much easier to know what's up with the snake, if it's kept safely in a habitat.  Can she guarantee the snake didn't leave the bed during the night, and crawl through a household chemical, or perhaps eat a stray mouse (they come into homes as the temps drop outdoors) which may have consumed something detrimental to the snake's health?

    Free-roaming any reptile is just a bad idea for many reasons.

    I hope the snake is fine.

  5. she sleeps with a snake. i've never heard that before. must be a very loyal and friendly snake to be able to do that. anyway, some snakes dont eat at periods of time. or it could also be because it is too cold/hot. the more reasonable reason is cuz of the not eating cuz of stage.

  6. Usually close to winter or fall most snakes will stop eating. I haven't had a problem but you may need the vet to force feed the snake. If her snake sleeps with her at night she may just want to keep it in it's cage. Snakes aren't like dogs or cats and if the snake gets away something could happen to it. So just take the snake to the vet to force fed it if your sister doesn't mind that.

  7. tell her to take it to the vet immediately and put it in the cage it is trying to it her alive. if it is huge and it is stretched out. she needs to take it to the vet.  

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