
My snail had eggs.....

by  |  earlier

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so i have to do anything or just let them sit at the top and not get wet..... how long will the snails be in the eggs..the eggs look like a bee hive is that one snail or a bunch?




  1. omg this is bad you will have hunderds of snails please get it out and freeze it or you will get snail infestation and it will mess up your filter,tank and everything! So don't bring them into the world get rid of them using a credit card to cut them down and as it drops scoop it in a plastic bag with water and then just put them in the freezer. Also the snail(s) thyou have at had any part to with the eggs give them away/return them or they will do it again and again.

  2. put them in a bag (the eggs ! )and donate to the pet store don't kill them  
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