
My son, help me please...

by  |  earlier

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Today my son ( he's 17 months) was playing with a drum stick and at first he was just hitting the drum, then he started to run and play with it So I got little scared, that he might get hurt, so i was going to take it away,but he raned away from me Well then he felled and the stick went in his mouth, It must of went far bec. he started to bleed. he was crying and we didn't see any cut or anything else. would a drum stick cause him to bleed if it went to far in his throught? and its not like the drum stick is sharp. He was gagging on the blood bec he was crying so much. and we tried to put a wash cloth in his mouth to dry up the blood, but that made him really mad. So my hubby told me to breast feed him to calm him down, (It worked) after he ate he was find and he went off playing. I'm just worried about what made him bleed. what do you think?




  1. You should really take him to the doctor.  I hope that you already have.

  2. Honestly, i would have called my docs emergency number to ask what he thought. I have a 16month old, and i know how they can be. but you dont want him to have a splinter or cut back there that gives him an infection. Call if you can, and see if you can get him in tomorrow sometimes. Just to be totally sure.

  3. I would take him to the doctor what if he tore his throat way down. Call the doctors office they will tell you he should be seen. I'm not sure why you would post this befor calling his doctor???

  4. Anytime you have bleeding from the throat/mouth you should be worried. The drumstick, not sharp, would make a great projectile given the right amount of force and weight. Your son falling on it would be enough weight on the drumstick to produce enough force for it to cut him. And if you have an esophageal tear, you're in big trouble! Take him to the doctor as soon as possible, even if it means the emergency room.  

  5. call the pediatrician.

  6. I think you need to take him to the doctor.  You might not be able to see any injury simply by looking.  It could be something as simple as a scratch in the back of his throat that caused the bleeding, but you should get it checked anyway.  He may have hurt himself more than you realize.  At least give the doctor a call and see what they say.

    Good luck!!

  7. You need to take him to the doctor or for that matter the ER.  A toddler at 17 months cannot tell you exactly what he/she is experiencing.  Obviously there is a flesh wound but you should never take a chance with a young child.  That stick could have gone in deep...for his sake...take him to the ER...please!

  8. I think he should see a doctor.  No one here can help you.  

  9. what would make you post this serious of a question on yahoo answers instead of taking your baby straight to the emergency room? seriously, that's insane.  

  10. it could have hit the side of his mouth hard enough to make him bleed. also could have bumped a tooth or he could have bitten his tongue. many possibilities. i'm sure he's fine if he went off playing. similar thing happened to my son the other day. still don't know for sure what made his mouth bleed.

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