
My son have tourettes syndrome..?

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My son got enrolled in a new school the other night and i had forgotten to tell the principal my son had tourettes syndrome. He walked ino the office to hand him in a note from the teacher and when he got there he spouted out bad words. He also offended the principals family and his black racial colouring. He really got angry at my son and got a book and smacked it against his face. Any suggestions on what i should do? Punish my son? Sue the principal? Just run away from it all?!




  1. My son also has Tourette Syndrome.  You need to talk to the principal and explain your son's issues.  In addition, your son should apologize to the principal.  Even though it is difficult fo him to control his words, he has to learn right from wrong.  The principal should also apologize!!!! He has no right to smack your son.  You may need to take that the board of education.  Is this a public school?  There is no way this behavior can be accepted in a public school!

  2. wow that is harsh. how could you forget to tell the principal your son had this condition? other than that. the principal is in a position to where he needs self control with students. no matter what a student says, on purpose or not, violence is not aloud in the school. if the students get punished how can the principal who is supposed to be setting an example get off scotch free? understanding that the principle felt the need to protect his family and race i believe an apology is well deserved to you and your son.and that should be punishment enough considering he didn't know he had tourettes. if you take further action, he will lose his job. i would talk to the principal personally instead of the school board to avoid public humility unless that is what you want to do.

  3. liar

  4. sure you forgot your kids had tourette.. yeah well I wouldnt remember either if my kids cussed at me all day either. this is a lie

  5. Why do you make up questions like this.  You are a useless piece of S**t.  In your last question you said " I hate retards and want to punch one in the face."

    I have Tourette's.  It is not funny, on a bad day my entire body is aching and I'm exhausted from all of the involuntary movements.  Why don't you be a man and email me your address so I can come over and shove my right foot up your as$.  Your mother should have had an abortion.

  6. you guys are dumb...

    in what way at all did this appear to be true?

  7. Punish yur child and explain why you punish him.. try that and your son will follow and respect you.

  8. DO NOT PUNISH YOUR CHILD for something he has no control over.  However, as a parent of a child with Tourettes, you should be able to tell the difference between a tic. vocal tremor, and defiant behavior.  

    It is imperative that parents inform any person who will have authority over their child that they have TS.  This includes, teachers, nurses, principals, camp counselors, Sunday school teachers, etc.  I find it hard to believe that you forgot to inform them before hand.  

    MY ADVICE: Look up the "In Service" presentations that are provided by the TSA.  These service presentations are available through and their purpose is to come to the school for a meeting or assembly to educate people who will be working with your child about TS.  

    Then, call the principal and your child's teacher and ask them for a private meeting.  Don't bring your child. Do bring your spouse.  Present the idea of a special class, meeting or assembly about Tourettes.  Once people are informed about what it is and what it's not, then the learning that your child needs can take place.

    I can't believe that someone in authority hit your child with a book.  Shame on them!  If you feel that a meeting with the principal would be too volatile, call the Superintendent of schools and present the same idea.

    There is also a Teen Ambassador Program that may help.  If you cannot find these resources, then just ask them if you can show the DVD (during class or whatever) called "I Have Tourettes, But Tourettes Doesn't Have Me".  It was produced by the TSA and HBO.  It's available at the above web site.  See a clip here:

    You must advocate for your child.  No one else will.

  9. I think just an apology and an explanation of your sons condition will do! A letter from your doctor so that they are aware of his condition! Why would you ever punish the poor kid for something he has no control of? And if the principal is any kind of a human being He should apologize to you! This has been an unfortunate uncontrolled accident that just needs to be explained for future reference. A sincere apology from you in writing  and a letter from your physician ( because you will want it on record and to be official) Is all that you can do.As far as smacking your kid with the book... You never explained his condition but hitting a kid for anything is just plain wrong! Do your part and remind him kindly that that type of discipline never should be used on any child and you hope it will never happen again. Pretty much that's what i would do. Its just too bad you didn't explain  your child's condition in the first place!

  10. no matter what, it is illegal for a teacher / principal to assault your child.  if your child is not presently attending classes, get his doctor to supply a note to explain to the school.  contact the police and school board about the assault and be willing to follow through with any charges that may be laid.  if punishing your son has any effect, then he too should be punished.

    tourette's is a very difficult problem for the average person to understand and accept because of the (usually) foul language that come from their mouths.  but as an educator the principal should have recognized that he wasn't quite in an acceptable frame of mind.  you don't mention how old he is but those i have seen with tourette's has had a look about them that at least to me, indicates there is more about them that isn't always obvious.  had the principal also seen this, he should have been more understanding.  see a lawyer.

  11. You could actually sue his *** and leave him on the street.

  12. Liar, liar, pants on fire!..

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