
My son needs a hair cut?

by  |  earlier

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But he freaks out when I take him to the salon. the last time I took him he cried and would not be still. We could not finish his cut b/c the stylist was in fear of cutting him. We are going to a wedding this weekend and would like him to at least look somewhat decent. What would be the best way in your opinion to try and convince him of getting a cut without the fussing? He is four years old. I have tried bribing him with ice cream and god knows what else...he is stubborn. HELP!! ;p




  1. Wait until he's well rested and catch him in a good mood.  If there's a male role model/ father in his life that he looks up to, have him go too for a hair cut and sit in the barber's chair next to your son (this was a big help for my 3 1/2 year old).  

  2. Did you try a kids salon? They are very good at dealing with this kind of cases. You could also buy a cheap doll with long hair and safety scissors, then he could cut the doll's hair under your supervision, so he understands what the process is about. Maybe all he sees is a stranger holding a scissor behind his back and close to his eyes!! Show him that there's nothing to be afraid of. You could also get a haircut in front of him and then let him take his turn. Good Luck!!

  3. Maybe more bribes. Or whilst he's getting his haircut let him eat some sweets/icecream or do a colouring book, this will preoccupy him. Maybe you could also say some things like if you don't be good whilst getting a hair cut then the hair fairy won't visit you. Then you could get a lock of hair and put it in a little box and place it under a tree in the garden, and the hair fairy will place a new toy there in the morning?

  4. Tell him if he is a big boy and gets his haircut you will take him to the toy store and let him pick out 1 toy

  5. Explain to him that every thing will be fine, as long as he sits still and is a good boy.  Tell him that people only get cut if they jump around.  You are giving him a choice where he doesn't have one!  Just tell him that he is going and that he has to sit very still.  You shouldn't have to convince him, you should be in charge.  If you are firm about your expectations with his behavior, you shouldn't have to bribe him.

  6. I like sports clips if you have one around they are good with kids.

  7. 1 word - distraction!!  Give him something to do while he is getting a haircut so he isn't even thinking of it.  Promising something after isn't going to do anything because kids don't fully grasp consequences.  Such as 'if you are good, we can (insert bribe here)'.  How old is he?  Can he play a handheld video game?  Or even go get a happy meal or something before and let him munch away on his nuggets.  You know what will distract him best.  :)

  8. Do it yourself, it's not that hard. I cut all 4 of my boys ahir myself and I've had no training in how to cut hair. You can even look online for how to cut little boys hair. I got tired of wasting so much money on a little boys haircut so I started doing it myself and I do a great job.

    I found this for you just with one quick search, I'm sure you could find a ton more as well.

  9. First I would try and take him when he is in a good mood and then if you have a place called snip-its by you they are GREAT they have tv's and animals and toys you can buy there and then after the cut they give the child a card and he puts it in a machine and gets a toy for free.  Plus the stylist there are GREAT my daughter freeks out all the time and I took her there and she let them cut her hair and she played with a toy and watched tv and they gave her cookies and talked to her while she was getting it cut and then got the toy know she keeps asking if she can go there again.  I highly recommend it if you have one where you are at

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