
My spoiled litle brother?

by  |  earlier

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my mom has always spoiled the youngest child which right now is my 9 yr old little brother and i dont live with my mom and i cant dont ask why but my brother has got to go to her house for like 3 weeks this summer so she came this weekend for her burthday to my house which my brother was with her so he came too and when my brother woke up this morning he said where is mom and i told him she is gone but she really wasnt gone and he started crying so he does in MY ROOM to see cause that is where she stays and he crawls up in bed with her and she told me to get in bed too but i told her no so what can i do about my stupid little spoiled brother it is just like he is th center of atention cause he has been with her for 3 weeks and she spoiled him and now he comes over here with her and she spoiules him more what can i do and he is going back with her this week he will be with her for the rest of the summer and i might get to go with her for a couple of days in august what do i do




  1. Gee could you whine a little more about it? Ok so he is a little spoiled but it sounds to me like you are jealous he gets to stay and you dont. Talk to Mom about that.

  2. it's the youngest child's job to be spoiled. [its basically goes like this; 1st child = a test and over-spoiled when born. 2nd baby = a learning experience and children are treated equal for the most part; youngest = spoiled rotten until other brothers and sisters grow up and accomplish things that deserve attention.] thats just the way it goes. you might wanna tell him that he needs to stop being a momma's boy and be more independent. encourage rebellion in him and eventually, he'll stop getting spoiled.


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