
My taps aren't working! Help!?

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I live in a rented flat with my boyfriend and our cold tap in our bathroom only trickles a little bit.

Also the hot tap in the kitchen, the water comes out with some grey stuff in the water, it doesn't really smell or anything but it has been going on for a while now and am worried what it's doing to us!

Any ideas? We can't afford a plumber so it needs to be something my father or my boyfriend can do!!!





  1. It sounds like the hot water heater is failing.  Which means it could flood the house any time.  Call the landlord and tell him just that.  If he does nothing about it.  Call local Licensed plumber for free estimate.  If job is not too major, pay for it and deduct if from your rent.  

  2. You live in a rented property - this means the property should be fit to be lived in.

    You do not have to pay for a plumber.  You do not - and should not - attempt the work yourself.  Get in touch with the landlord and it's their responsibility to get a plumber round.

    Don't even attenpt anything yourself, you could make it worse and then the landlord may charge you extra to fix it.

  3. you should not touch the plumbing in a rented flat.. if anything happens in the future like a flood or whatever you could find yourself facing a big bill ( even if it isn't your fault) it could be argued that it was ok until you did something to it.

    it is down to the landlord so you must take the matter up with them.

    I recommend to put it in writing, date it & keep a copy then you have proof of asking for these repairs to be carried out.

    it sounds like limescale build up causing the cold problem & the hot water could be because it is under pressure so it is probably nothing to worry about

  4. Run a hose from a working tap to the not working tap open both valves forcing water into the one that drips, if it is an air lock [sounds like it] that will clear it.

  5. Sounds like a cracked pipe somewhere along the supply

  6. Suggestion - check mains stopcock - usually under sink - see ifit has been turned down slighty - turn it up slighty to increase water pressure - if that makes no difference then go to below..

    Probably a hard water area - this means the tap valves harden due to Limescale build up - once this happens the valve does not allow water thru properly so...

    Turn off the water at the mains.

    Remove tap head - one s***w.

    Using a spanner - removed the valve - anti clockwise thread

    Put new one in (available from most good DIY stores for a few pounds)

    THe grey disclouration may simply be down to residue in the hot water tank - does it run clear after a few seconds - if so - nothing to worry about - if it continues to run cloudy - ring the local water board for advice

  7. your washers are jaming in the tap ie not opening replace the washers

    the grey stuff is lime scale  

  8. Sometimes taps become clogged up over time. You can buy "tap revivers" from any DIY store. If you don't now how to fit them try your local library for a good DIY book

  9. Don't do DIY. It's not your place to fix taps and water supply. You are paying rent. Therefor you are paying to have functioning taps! Ask your landlord politely to sort out the problem. If he/she will not oblige, take a visit to the council offices and speak to an Environmental Health Officer for advice and action.

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