
My turtles been crying?

by  |  earlier

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yah i just saw that hes been crying i think there swollen and he or she has been opening his mouth out of the water wats hppening to it? it




  1. maybe an infection go to vet. had to write a letter to the RSPCA cause there is this dog that is tied up on a long rope all day.

  2. AQUATIC ??

    Swollen eyes means he NEEDS vitamin A.

    All Leafy green ,squash,Carrots, raw  

    Spinach,Turnip greens,

    Kale, Parsley, .Bell peppers, red, raw, Mustard greens, Romaine Swiss chard,Sweet potato, Collard greens,

    Cantaloupe, Winter squash,  Apricots Broccoli,

    Tomato, Asparagus, .Green beans, Brussel sprouts, Cucumbers, slices, with peel ,Summer squash, Watermelon, Celery, Prunes ,Papaya Green peas,

    Plum Oranges

    Respiratory Infections *****Sliders, cooter, map, painted, yellow bellied and other aquatic species are susceptible to respiratory infections. Many respiratory infections that can affect sliders are mild and easily treatable in their EARLY stages, but there are also some particularly virulent infections that can kill a turtle very quickly without veterinary attention. Sliders usually develop respiratory infections when their tank is too cold. **Symptoms of an infection include a runny nose, wheezing, lopsided swimming (an ailing lung changes the turtle’s buoyancy), lethargy, and a refusal to eat.

    The bigger the environment the bigger the turtle.

    Did you know that they need to bask under a reptile light UVA for 8 to 10 hrs a day for the vitamin D that they need to grow. So that means getting a turtle dock also.

    Leave the heater on 75 to 78 degrees always.

    Their water needs to be clean otherwise they get sick easily from dirty water cause they p**p allot.

    You need a good filter system! Gravel larger than they can swallow.

    You need to feed them feeder guppies, goldfish or minnows for protein and calcium daily drop 20 or so in the tanks and watch them disappear! This way when they swim for their dinner they get exercise also!

    They need leafy greens( Romaine, Butter lettuce. Iceberg and cabbage are bad for them, any leafy greens will do) for vitamin A that they need at least 3 to 4 times a week.

    You probably already know that they get sick easily, shell rot, respiratory sickness, lopsided swimming, coughing,blowing bubbles from his nose, swollen many illnesses.

  3. He lost the race to the hare.

  4. is it a tortoise cuz it might need eye drops

  5. The only time you shouldn't worry about a turtle "crying" is if it's a sea turtle on the beach to lay her eggs... (the tears are produced to keep sand out of her eyes)

    It could vitamin deficiency or an infection. I'd take it to a good reptile vet either way. (Also, if your turtle ever starts making noise at you, this is a good idea.)

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