
My voice is scratchy!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I love to sing I sing every single day. But all of a sudden around mid March my voice was a bit scratchy, it kept on getting worse as months went by what should I do? I don't think it is caused by allergies.




  1. I had this exact same problem  at around the same time and mine wasn't caused by allergies either. The doctor said that I had a mild lung infection and would continue having problems until it got warmer. Sure enough, it went away just last month and now I'm back to singing.

    You should probably ask your doctor if this is a possible problem. Hope that helps.

  2. go to the doctor. try to stop singing in the mean time

  3. well if you are a boy then you're just going through puberty, no worries.

    however if you are a girl there could be multiple reasons for your scrathy voice one is strep throat, contact your doctor

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