
My website is page rank 1?

by  |  earlier

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I have a website that sells guides on how to make money online. I dont get much traffic, only about 10 people a day. The domain name itself and website are about 4 months old. How can I use this page rank to my advantage? I mean it obviously doesnt equal traffic because my traffic has not increased much since it moved up in the ranks, so anyone know how I can take advantage of this page rank and possibly make money off it?

(Yeah I know, I sell money making guides but Im asking others how to make money from this, go figure)




  1. Ignore the PR and PR1 is really low.

    Add content and work on getting backlinks. Ignore the search engines and look for other places to get traffic. The links from the other sites will give you more traffic and a boost in the search engines.  

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