
My weight is driving me crazy!?

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I'm 18 years old and will be turning 19 in October. I'm about 5'5 and my weight is driving me nuts. I'm really obsessed with staying fit and I do everything I can to keep my weight down. I don't know how it fluctuates so quickly! I always range from 113 pounds to 117. That'ss a wide range of weight and I can usually be either or in the same week. I'm so annoyed and all I want is food because Im usually hungry. I hate how my friends can eat Mcdonalds every day and all I eat is salad and If i have one bad thing my weight jumps up. Another problem of mine! Anybody know what the heck is wrong with me??




  1. It sounds like you are having issues with your metabolism.  You may have a genetic predisposition to slow metabolism.  

    However, this shouldn't worry you too much.  There are some steps you can take to ensure that you maximize your metabolic potential.  That way, you won't retain as much weight when you consume the foods like your friends do.

    You can boost your metabolism in two key ways:

    1) Perform intense cardio at least 3 times per week.  I noticed you said you are already doing some.  Check to make sure that your heart rate is sufficiently elevated (the workout must be intense enough).

    2) Consume foods that boost metabolism.  Personally, I use oolong tea from Wu-Yi Source.  They offer a free trial so there is basically no risk.  Check out my experience with Wu-Yi Source at

  2. it's 4 pounds

    I can gain/lose that much over night

    it depends on what you consumed and got rid of during the day

    also, your weight will change about that much from morning to night

    so dont worry

    healthy weight chart (females only)











    (this weight chart gives a healthy weight to height ratio according to a BMI scale and even gives a few pounds to spare)

  3. ur skinny.

    also thats not a huge range

    your weight probably jumps because of your mentabolism.

  4. slow metabolism?

  5. I think you should know that it's not only you has that problem. A lot of people have insane weight fluctuations. You need to consider that you might be retaining MORE water than you usually does and that there is always such thing as "food mass". Remember that the food you eat in day won't be eliminated in the same day, and it stays up in your system for 2-4 days. Also, water retention is one of the greatest factor that contributes to weight changes. You may be consuming more SODIUM thats, why. Lastly, forget about weighing yourself more often. Weigh yourself ONCE a week. Don't freak out too much, like you said, you are trying to stay fit.

  6. Ranging from 113 to 117 is not a huge range!  Your weight will move that much because its water weight, NOT FAT!  I wouldnt worry.  The reason why you probably think you gain weight when you eat something "unhealthy" is because of water retention.  Once you weight yourself in the morning, most likely you will be down to the size before.  Being 18 and that weight is SMALL!  I'm 5'5", 21 years old and I weight like 150!  I'd kill to be that size and no matter what I eat or do for exercise, I never will get down to that size again.  Its normal for you to gain a few pounds and lose some.  If it really bothers you, use a diuretic temporarily like a cup of coffee or green tea.

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