
My wife is insurance agent?

by  |  earlier

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now she haggling to do some business.

tell me how can i help her.

or give me some references to whom i contact or if u are intrested please send me mail to:

give me some bold sugession.

her target is to collect 500000 premium till the end of 31st march.

help me guyes.




  1. If you want to help her then let her find her own way or team her up with a more experienced agent to learn the tricks of the trade. As the old proverb goes: Give a man a fish and you feed them for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed them for a lifetime.

    As for generating $500,000 in premium in two weeks, you would have to insure somehting like a huge sports stadium or several large buildings in downtown New York in order to generate that much premium in such a short time!

  2. WOW!

    If I could do that much in just over two weeks, my company would promote me!

    If you can, please consider becoming an agent with another outfit.  Then you can solicit business for her without the risk of jail.   You can then ask people about insurance, and do it within the law.  You are not required to sell the insurance, just to be permitted to speak about it.  Your wife can make the sales.

    Check out my site, www.EndlessLegacy.US

    Once there, if you think she could handle any of that business, then you could become an agent.  Work to legally assist her.

    Fair enough?

    Harry Johns

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