
My wrist hurts please help ??

by  |  earlier

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i fell on my wrist about3 weeks ago and it started clicking and i thought it was ok because i had bad clicking ankles i went to a specialist in the bones and he examind and x rayed them and said everything was ok he did the same with my wrist but at tht time it didnt hurt so he didnt x ray them but now it is really painful and i dont know why it might be because of the fall i am not shore can anyone tell me what to do please help ??




  1. Zoe A. there are a couple of things that might help here.  I had been having problem with my right wrist using the computer and riding my cycle.  My Kinesiologist had suggested putting heat alternating with ice pack on the area and it helped a bit.  Afterwards I used a tube sock and put about 2 cups of  uncooked rice in it  tying off the top of the sock with a knot.  Then I used it as a heating pad.  Put in microwave for about 1 to 2 minutes and wrapping it in a cloth so it's not so hot on the skin.  I also use the sock when I am on the computer so as to prevent carpel-tunnel.  It is a great heating pad for other remedies of aches and pains. Alternate with ice on wrist after 10-15 minutes.  Namaste"

  2. hey , well i have got the same thing but mine just came like , i went to the doctors and he said that it could be some kind of disease and a strain on my heart so i think that you should go back  

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