
Myspace Death Threats?

by Guest65647  |  earlier

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So I'm curious how many of you get death threats via myspace, facebook, youtube, etc? I usually get one or more a month at one point I was getting three or four a month for a while. It might be becuase my myspace has a semi high traffic rate? I have my myspace profile posted on my Youtube video which has 15.5 million views and gets alot of traffic?

Lesbians, do you get many death threats? I think lesbians are more accepted than g*y guys in some ways? What about you bi guys and gals?

Share your experiences. I think it will be interesting.

check out my myspace if ya want to chat.




  1. i never got anything like that i dont have my orientantion on there  

  2. I get the most on here, but that's probably because I'm ore open on here.

    My Facebook page is quite bland; it does state I'm married to another man, but it's locked down so only friends can view it.  

    On myspace, I dont get anything other than people adding because they've seen the link elsewhere, or scantily dressed girls asking if they can hook up, clearly missing the point completely

    Have had some abuse on Youtube - some homphobic comments posted against some vid's I've made, but you can tell from the language, grammer, spelling that its either from children or people with mental health problems.  I simply hit the delete button and get on with my day.



  4. Fortunately, I never got any threats of any kind via the Internet or through things like YouTube or MySpace, etc.

    If I did and I became aware of their names and/or locations, I would consider legal action. Prosecute them to the MAX. Just my view.


    I used to have a MySpace account, but only for a short while however. I quickly got tired of all those sexual ads and invitations. If I wanted such a thing I would just simply look in the yellow pages under "escorts" LOL

  5. Nope...dont really get on and everyone I know is cool with me being g*y. I like your profile btw :]

  6. thats kinda strange...

    I don't put my orientation on...mostly cause I haven't come out yet but I wouldn't even if I had

    but facebook if you make it private no one can even see (:

  7. I get many hate mails in my HB on facebook haha...And thats with only around 300 friends, so its fairly common. If you have that much traffic, i would expect lots of death threats....
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