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For my science class, we have to come up with a experiment that is based of the show Mythbusters. It is not necessarily have to be something that was on Mythbusters, but that type of idea. It cannot have anything to do with fire, explosives, mentos & coke or electricity.

so bassically i am looking for a experiment that should be fun to do and i can videotape.



the more suggestions the merrier :D




  1. Ha-ha! I like how your teacher put Coke and Mentos with fire, explosives and electricity.

    But I guess you could do the one where people think that heavier objects fall faster than lighter ones.

    Just take a brick and a pencil, drop them and prove that they fall at the same rate. Pretty simple.

    Good luck.

  2. "It cannot have anything to do with fire, explosives, mentos & coke or electricity."

    Which leaves you with kinetics, so take the "shot villian blasted backwards"-myth. the classic hollywood western myth where somone gets shot by a gun and flies backwards while the shooter stays upright.

    A simple springloaded action could prove the "fireing" person has to endure the same impact the "shot" person does. Take a big weight for the bullet, like a bowlingball. Take a mass, (a few bricks might do) and springload the ball to it. Aim the ball towards a couple of bricks the same weigth as the "shooter".  When the shooter relases the ball, it will spring backwards just as the ball is propelled forwards (experiment with the weight ratios). When the ball hits the target bricks, make sure it sticks, bouncing back creates a false effect. If the myth holds, the target will be knocked farther back then the shooter has (which it won't)

  3. u could try and make a cross bow using only paper

  4. Get your Class to chew a wad of chewing gum.

    Then get them to chew (WITH the gum) a couple of "Opal Fruits".

    The gum will disappear, being dissolved by the solution formed by the Opal Fruit Chew and saliva.

    Gone, -without trace.

    Here's another one.:-  Fix a flexible hose or tubing to the nozzle of a hair drier, and place the other end of the hose in the bottom of a shallow bowl or basin (over the edge). Cover the end of the hose (tube) with a handkerchief and then fill the bowl with flour or sand so's it's level with the brim.

    Put some object like a cherry, or coin, on the surface of the sand.

    When you switch on the hair-drier, the cherry (or coin) will disappear down into the sand, because it "liquifies".

    Here's another:- Freeze a globule of mercury in your kitchen freezer. Place the frozen solid globule on thev surface of a flattish dish (plastic?) over a central hole you've drilled beforehand. Cover with a handkerchief.

    Chat a while to your "observers" while the mercury melts and drops through the hole ... presto! the 'steel ball-bearing' has simply disappeared.

    (down the hole, of course.)

  5. can watermellon juice allow any car to white smoke the tires? Always wondered

  6. I've heard that if you put a steak in coke, it will dissolve completely in 3 days.  I just never wanted to waste a perfectly good steak to see if it's true.  Don't know if this is what you're looking for, but I've always wanted to know.

  7. How about the idea that you can only balance an egg on it's end on the spring equinox?  That's relatively easy to prove wrong any other day of the year.

  8. Do Archimede's death ray, you only need a wooden sail boat,  and about 100 finely polished bronze shields (the goal is to set the boat afire via sun reflections from shields)

    Have fun! =D
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