

by Guest65608  |  earlier

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What are your race plans for this weekend?

Where are you watching the race?

I would also like to honor (people who never seem to get honored)

My friend Fluffy, and Jozi..Have a great day you two!

Enjoy the race




  1. Watching the race at home with my family...Always do the Sunday (sometimes Saturday) Nachos and

    I would like to acknowledge my husband Ray.. he's dealing with an extremely hard situation very well!! Very proud of him!

    Go Carl!!

  2. I going to be watching the races today and tomorrow on my big fat TV from my couch.

  3. I have a very late graduation party to go to (they were having family problems so the postponed it) and I will miss the race or come home near the end of it so I am going to tape it and watch it after work at 4:00 Monday so I will not be on Monday.

    My living room on my new iO DVR.

    I will definitely honor those two but I did a couple of months ago. They are two of the good ones. Fluffy is straight to the point and usually right and Jozi as funny and quite knowledgeable.

    You enjoy the race also!

  4. Put my Matt kenseth shirt on sit on couch and watch


    Go Jozi

    and fuzza wuzza Fluffy

  5. I almost always watch the race from the comfort of home.  That way I can stomp and yell as much as I want.  lol  Oh yeah, and occasionally curse NASCAR.  

    Fluffy and Jozi are two of my favorites.  They're both smart and funny, and the Fluffster has an air of mystery about him.  I love mysteries.  :  )

  6. i honor fluffy and jozi even thought i think we already honored fluffy right?

    but anyway i honor you both!

  7. I,m going four wheeling near lake tahoe at fordyce trail...Sorry I,ll miss all the stupid comercials....

  8. Unfortunately it's my weekend to work :-( :-(

    But I may get off in time to see the last few laps

    It'll be at home if I get there in time.

    Fluffy----really enjoy your add a certain zeal to our

    NASCAR Nation "stew"

    Jozi-----One of my all time favorites....deserves to be honored (as does Fluffy) for q&a and for making this place so enjoyable to visit!!

  9. Hi Jozi!


    i'm watching the race at home and I happy that it's a night race, because i'm cooking ham shanks in the crock pot and I made some killer jalepeno/garlic/black bean dip ( i tested it on my co-workers) Since it's a night race I won't be drinking coffee. But I might.

    I kinda want to see the #11 put on a show at fontana.

    Know what I mean?

  10. Watching the race, on the phone with my dad giving him the play by play, screaming at Dale Jr. to get his butt moving, cursing out Ryan Newman.

    Watching it from the comfort of my lazyboy chair, with an Amp in my hand, my Dale Jr. attire on, and counting down the days until I am watching from the stands at NHMS.

  11. Just sitting home with the TV.  The twins will be camping with friends as this is the last hurrah before school starts on Wednesday.  So I will be home alone...oooo

    Probably I will just order a sub. when it's just me I rarely cook.

    No one beats these two in straight out blunt answers from the heart.  I also honor them today!

    And does anyone know that fluffy pushes his body to the limits in all he does with extreme mountain biking ??

    {_}}    [_]}   here's to those two...Cheers! Enjoy your day!!!!

    Tom has honored everyone.   many MANY have been deleted before the honoree even got to see it.  he tried honoring ME twice before...deleted both times.  Then finally I got to keep one.  "Someone" must have been on vacation that day.  LOL

    here's fluffy's:;...

    and here is Jozi's:;...

  12. I have front row seats in my living room so I will be planted there tonight and tomorrow. My sweetie will be right beside me pulling for Kurt too.(She is a Smoke fan also)

    I would be happy to honor fluffy and Jozi. Two very good people in here. Fluffy kills me sometimes with some of the answers. Fluffy is very smart when it comes to Nascar and cars in general.

    Jozi is one of the funniest people in here too. I snort Sprite through the nose laughing at how she answers. Ive gotten to where I keep a bottle of windex by my desk to wipe the soft drink off my puter screen.

    Both are very good assets to this section and I'm glad to have them as contacts!  :) Have a great weekend!!

  13. My hat is off to Fluffy and Jozi, you should be honored.  This is your day.  Both respected contributors!  I'll be planted on my couch both evenings this weekend.  In fact it's almost race time now.  I am just thankful I get to see the races this weekend.  Half the time I miss some or all of the Cup race while I'm in Church.  Have to watch it on VCR when I get home.


  14. Sitting my lazy butt on the couch and watching it and flipping to the the College Football games thatll be on during commercials.  

  15. I will be watching the race with my golden retrievers on my TV or on my phone (depending if I have power or now from the storms if we get any)

    ---------Jozi always answers my questions and gives good answers and that MM fluffy is great & i laugh at his silly but good answers.

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