1) too many sponsors? everything has a sponsor. (yes or no)
2)not a racist, but blacks, mexicans, women in NASCAR? (Yes or No)
3) gopher cam? (keep it / lose it / keep the cam lose the gopher)
4) boogity boogity boogity lets go racin boys. ( i like it / stfu)
5) burn out competition? (keep it / lose it)
6) military sponsorships such as National Guard, US Army, NAVY. thats our tax dollars paying for that sponsorship. (its cool? or heck no)
7) more than one sponsor per car (ok or too much)
8) now that jr drives the amp car, everyone has tried amp... who liked it? (no / yes / never tried it)
9) worst driver is:______________
10) best driver is:_____________