
NASCAR vs drag racing?

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is it me or does it drive you crazy to see a camaro or cobra lay down a 10 second quarter mile? I like NASCAR to because it requires more skill, but what you think of regular cars racing on a world circuit?




  1. drag racing is less interesting to me but im not going to bag on it just because its not my style of race. both require alot of skill, but what wins me over is i dont like a 10 second race, i like longer races, and i dont look at a straight line as exciting but some people do so i can only give my opinion, i like nascar more

  2. Regular cars racing? That wouldn't be as exciting...

    Anyway your question is little confusing. More details, please.  

  3. I don't get drag racing. How does the driver have anything to do in winning? isn't it all the car? It's just so much luck. I don't get it. Can an NHRA fan fill me in on that? I like watching it but I don't understand it one bit.  

  4. yeah fluffy, drag racing takes no skill.  you know how many g forces those things pull?  you try keeping  7000 hp going in a straight line... nascar drivers have skill as well.   i think they are pretty close... nascar drivers definitly have more endurance thats for sure.   you have to be in pretty good shape to  run a nascar race.  Imagine what it was like when they didn't have power steering?

  5. I like them both.  Anyone that thinks either of them require no skill clearly doesn't understand.

    Drag racing requires very good reflexes, being able to hit a perfect fast shift every time, being able to keep the car straight when it probably wants to fish tail if it loses traction, and dealing with 5+ G's acceleration and deceleration (for TF and FC).

    Stock car racing requires very good reflexes, hitting the corner the same every time, keeping the car straight over bumps and around other cars, and the endurance to do this for 3 hours in a 140F car with 42 other cars racing a few inches away from you.

    Regular cars racing would suck.  Nothing on the car is designed to go 500 miles at top speed or be safe in a crash at 150 mph.  Yes the companies could build a car that will do this but it add thousands to the price of the car which people cant afford.

  6. I gotta go with Nascar by a landslide. I just can't stand watching a live NHRA event on tv anymore. The highlights on Sportscenter are nice, but that's like 30 seconds of footage.

  7. I have a Mitsubishi 3000GT that does 10's.

    Regular cars could not run on the high banks. It requires a lot of special equipment. Anything can go straight.  

  8. Drag Raceing all the way.. By the way... fuel cars are putting out over 8000 hp.

  9. I like them both, but I prefer NASCAR.

    I think it would be kind of neat to see factory stock vehicles race on a world circuit... it would certainly inspire the automobile manufacturers to create better cars, and perhaps even more jobs!

    And I still think that it would be neat if the NASCAR Sprint cup cars could shoot parachutes out the back-end during the victory lap.

  10. In NASCAR you depend more on the driver.

    In drag racing you depend more on the car.

  11. There are many forms of auto racing, and all take a lot of skill.  It depends on what a fan likes to watch.  NASCAR is incredibly exciting to me, and have been a huge since I was a kid.  I also really enjoy drag racing.  Trying to guide a fuel car down the track at close to 300 mph has got to be a huge rush, its loud and I can't imagine the skill involved in that.  

  12. martin truex jr  

  13. I think, anybody that thinks driving/racing the worlds quickest accelerating vehicle's sucks or is dumb is an utter fool!

    It's also painfully obvious that the same people that say Drag Racing sucks have never even drag raced themselves which is sad because you can literally drag race anything you drive right now. Even a Prius. It's like 20 bucks.

    It's called bracket racing. Look into it. It's like bowling night but your at the dragstrip and having more fun!  

  14. I like any kind of motorsports..If it,s got a motor i,m there!!!!Both take skill...A different kind of skill...I like the king 43 in nascar...Then in drag racing it,s Ronnie Sox...The king of the 4 speed!!!!You cannot compare the two as equal..

  15. i enjoy both and all kinds of racin dirt .drags,f1,nascar road rally ,motorcycles what ever has wheels and goes i will watch it even wheel chair races hahahaaha lawnmowers go karts racing is racing its all good

  16. i wann go super fast  

  17. i like nascar better, its more interesting and you get to know the drivers and crew etc better.

    drag racing is ok, i dont mind it but find it less interesting then nascar

  18. what is drag racing... a couple of fellers in dresses. I guess but NHRA and NASCAR are like both cool

  19. there both kool with me  

  20. I think there's something wrong with my eyes. Everytime I try to watch NASCAR, all I can see is YELLOW.12 laps yellow, 12 laps yellow, and on and on until the end, then it's red, green , white , and checker. Boy, that was fun wasn't it kids ?

  21. NASCAR- Man vs Machine

    Drag Racing- Machine vs Man

  22. We like both & think nascar is better because it has cuter drivers.
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