
NBA Question.........?

by Guest32989  |  earlier

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Is Gilbert Arenas a PG. and do you think he is better than Dwayne Wade. Arenas scores more except this year his injury year and he has done this on a team w/ two all-stars in jamison and butler that take a lot of shots 2. Wade is the better leader but I think they are equally good and a case can be made for either of them as 2 who is better.

Also, should NBA players coming off an injury like Arenas currently is and Wade currently was play for Team USA in the Olympics to find their games and get back in form. Its doing wonders for Dwayne Wade imagine if Team USA had Gilbert Arenas instead of Kidd.




  1. You can't think of just bunch the best players on one team to make them the best team.  Arenas is not a "true" pointguard, I mean that by he is more of a self fish pointguard, wanting all the points.  Plus there's some better players that aren't on the team that should be on the team, but they wouldn't work well together if they don't pass.

  2. 1. I would say that a healthy Arenas would be the better 2 guard than Wade for one reason.  Arenas is a pure shooter as well as a penetrator, and that's what Wade lacks.  If Wade can develop the three point game like Arenas has over his career, then D-Wade will be the best PG or 2 guard in the league.

    2. Team USA would be worse with Arenas.  This is a guy who wants the spotlight, and he will probably shoot threes all over the place before passing to Kobe or Lebron.  The thing Arenas would bring to Team USA that no one else has however, is his uncanny ability to hit clutch shots, but looking at the way this team is dominating opponents, they  (almost) don't need him.  

  3. They'd be losing a leader for a scorer when they already have enough scorers and not enough EXPERIENCED leaders.  J-Kidd is the only one that won a medal on that squad.  Not takin nothing away from my boy Gilbert though.  I just think they have enough scorers already

  4. Gil is a point guard because he must have the ball in his hands at all times. Him and Wade are completely opposite offensively. Gil jacked up threes and Wade slashes, but Wade is better overall. Gil wouldn't fit with Team USA at all. He would destroy any ball movement.
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