
NFL says no suspensions for rookies

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NFL says no suspensions for rookies
The National Football League has made it clear that at this point there will be no suspensions for rookies who have disobeyed the rules in the NCAA.
The college governing body is currently lobbying the NFL in the hopes that they will punish players who have received improper benefits in college once they reach the NFL.
The NCAA is hoping that the prospect of punishment once players arrive in the NFL will help to quell the issue of college football players taking improper benefits from player agents.
The NCAA has become very interested in stopping the problem after the 2010 season became crowded with investigations regarding football players receiving gifts from prospective agents. Currently the NCAA dictates that it is a violation of League rules if
a college athlete takes a gift from an agent who they have not signed a contract with or have not informed their school’s athletic director that they have an agreement with.
However, despite the growing issue in college football and the NCAA’s persistence, the NFL Players Association refuses to co-operate.
“The NFLPA is opposed to any penalty being imposed upon a player in the NFL for conduct relating to the receipt of benefits in violation of NCAA rules while the player was in college,” the NFLPA said in a statement. “However, we will continue to discuss
with the NCAA and others issue relating to the conduct of agents certified by the NFLPA as they interact with NCAA players.”
The suggestions to suspend or fine college players upon their arrival in the NFL came from the American Football Coaches Association, which represents all college football coaches.
It has been reported that the two sides are still in talks and attempting to come to some sort of arrangement that will help solve the problem.
“The historical part of this is it is the first time we have ever had all the stakeholders meeting on an issue,” said Grant Teaff, head of the AFCA. “It is gratifying to see. And it is really the first time we have a chance to be effective for the long haul.”



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