
NHL Visor or Even Cage Rule?

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Do you think the league should force a visors rule. The league I play in makes us wear cages and it has saved me a few times. What are your thoughts?




  1. There is a big difference between the NHL and some amateur league, these guys know how to control their sticks much better.

    I am pro-visor, but if some idiot doesn't want to wear one, let him take as many sticks to the eye as he wants.

    The Day they force players to wear cages is the day I stop watching hockey

  2. These are grown men that can chose what they want.  This is their own livlyhood so if one take a stick to his eye and is forced to retire, it is his own fault.

  3. I say No.  They players have the choice, and many choose not to wear the visors.  I think that the more visors you have, the more careless the players are with sticks.  If there was a rule say NO visors whatsoever, i think you would have fewer facial injuries yet.  I dont want to see that happen, but i dont want to see mandatory shields either.

    Let the players decide.

  4. Their big boys and can make their own decisions.  Hockey is a tough sport so if they are gonna wuss out then don't play.  I am only speaking about the NHL.

  5. I am outraged that they wear helmets.  Helmets, no fighting, bs obstruction penalties...What happened to hockey???

  6. well i definatly think the helmet styles suck! but if i had to go with one i'd pick a visor!

  7. I kinda agree. I don't think that realistically the League could make the players all wear cages, but I do think they should at least have visors. There's already been like, 2 or 3 times someone's got it in the eye in these playoffs, and I think I saw it happen once during the IIHF finals. Not to mention what happened to Saku Koivu ...last playoffs, or two playoffs ago, I don't remember.

  8. Any leagues I played in gave you the option once you where over 18. And goalies needed to wear an approved cage. NHL is a little different, it's hard to market someone under a bird cage? Helmets themselves only became mandatory in the 90's I believe.It should be the players choice. Although more and more younger players are wearing one do to there leagues they came from.

  9. i agree with "remowlms" used to be great to watch them skate around with no helmets, you would be able to tell who's who without looking at the numbers

  10. I personally don't have a problem with NHL players wearing cages or visors. Maybe it would cut down on unnecessary goonism and fighting.

    I don't think the game of hockey would suffer with this ruling. The game didn't get sissified when they mandated helmets. So the game would survive maybe with fewer concussions and eye losses the game would even improve.

    I remember when I was forced to wear a helmet for the first time. I swore at the time I couldn't play with one on. Within a month I wouldn't go on the ice without one. When I voluntarily put a visor on my helmet at age 40+ I was convinced that I was going to have to end my career. I was right I only played another 6 years. The only problem from the visor was it fogged up from the whistle when I coached or refereed so I had to get another helmet for those occasions.

  11. I think  a Visor rule may happen many years down the road. It will most likely go in the same way the helmet rule did with current player grandfathered in with the option. I never see a cage thing happening at all. Unless they move to metal sticks. That is most unlikely.  I play wearing a cage. I just feel more secure in it. I have played with just a visor too. But The cage works best for me playing Defense

  12. Not sure what kind of league you are playing in, but if it's youth or amateur, then the organizers have a duty of care for the participants.  The NHL guys are paid a lot of money to go out and get beaten up three nights a week for our entertainment.  This probably gives them a right to choose.

    I'm all for wearing helmets - I have post concussion syndrome after an 'open skate' where I was knocked over.  

    The NHL guys also seem to go for visors and cages after an injury - Robidas' poor nose, Cleary's jaw...  And Robidas got his injury whilst wearing a visor!  How much worse might it have been?

    Just like pros in all sports, it comes down to a player choosing the equipment that best suits him - some of this protective gear must restrict vision or mobility a lot, otherwise I'd expect  more of them would be using it.  Hockey is a short career anyway, with some exceptions.

  13. Visors I could live with, but I don't think the NHL will ever force the players to wear cages.  The NHL has had plenty of time to do that based an all the facial injuries that have occurred, and they have not done so.  These guys know what they are getting into and are well aware that an errant stick, pass or shot could hit them in the face.

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