
NIU Alumni- How do you feel???

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I am an NIU Alumnus, and I am really shocked and saddened by what happened yesterday in DeKalb. As Alumni, what should we do to show support for the Alma Mater???




  1. I'm 20 miles away from N.I.U. the sky was lit up with helicopters and planes last night, this guy was off his meds is what is being reported today, my heart gos out to all.

  2. This one hits too close to home..Not only am I an alum, but 5 other family members and my husband is a grad student there.  I had classes in Cole hall and I remember that building clear as day.  It's so awful.

  3. Okay, good question..I just graduated from NIU in December and I am still on their email/call list etc. I received 1 email that stated there was a gunman on campus stay safe..they said on the news that they called and text messaged students...I didn't get any calls or anything,, neither did my friends. Also..most of NIU's classrooms don't have telephones or intercom systems or anything! When I graduated I kept wondering if a psycho was going to shoot us as we were walking across the stage because we had received a threat a week before. This situation is insane...I have no idea what they will do to beef up security, but I can tell you that I don't know how the students will step foot into a lecture hall until metal detectors or something is installed, or a key card system to get into the buildings, or a security guard is posted at ONE open entrance. I think its messed up that this guy was a SOCIOLOGY major! WTF?! I am distraught and confused and saddened.  I don't know that there is anything we can do besides pray for those people and their families.

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