
Name as many?

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name as many animals that are white as you can. this post has a reason behind it




  1. Well just about any animal with a backbone (like reptiles, mammals, and birds etc.) can be white by having albinism. Good examples of that are albino kangaroos, burmese pythons, and  . Alimals that are usually or always white are: baby harp seals, white rhinos, half of every zebra, billy-goats, amazon river dolphins, beluga whales, arctic wolves, arctic foxes, arctic minks, some horses, antarctic white petrels, albatrosses, whitefish, antarctic icefish, sulphur crested cockatoos, snowy egrets, ibises, egrets, sea eagles, rats, mice, some dogs and cats, white black tipped reef sharks, polar bears, termites, furry crab, african clawed frogs, and seagulls.

  2. Mute Swan

    White Stork

    Trumpeter Swan

    Whistling Swan

    Whooper Swan

    Coscoroba Swan

    American White Pelican

    Australian Pelican

    Great White Pelican

    Dalmatian Pelican

    Spot-billed Pelican

    Snowy egret

    Great Egret

    Dolphin Gull

    Pacific Gull

    Belcher's Gull

    Olrog's Gull

    Black-tailed Gull

    Grey Gull

    Heermann's Gull

    White-eyed Gull

    Sooty Gull

    Common Gull

    Audouin's Gull

    Ring-billed Gull

    California Gull

    Great Black-backed Gull

    Kelp Gull

    Glaucous-winged Gull

    Western Gull

    Yellow-footed Gull

    Glaucous Gull

    Iceland Gull

    Thayer's Gull

    Herring Gull

    Heuglin's Gull

    American Herring Gull

    Yellow-legged Gull

    Caspian Gull

    East Siberian Herring Gull

    Armenian Gull

    Slaty-backed Gull

    Lesser Black-backed Gull

    Great Black-headed Gull

    Brown-headed Gull

    Grey-headed Gull

    Hartlaub's Gull

    Silver Gull

    Red-billed Gull

    Black-billed Gull  

    Brown-hooded Gull

    Black-headed Gull  

    Slender-billed Gull

    Bonaparte's Gull

    Saunders' Gull

    Andean Gull

    Mediterranean Gull

    Relict Gull

    Lava Gull

    Laughing Gull

    Franklin's Gull

    Little Gull

    Black-legged Kittiwake

    Red-legged Kittiwake

    Ivory Gull

    Ross's Gull

    Sabine's Gull

    Swallow-tailed Gull

    Whooping Crane

    River Tern

    Arctic Tern

    Least Tern

    Common Tern

    Forster's Tern  

    Trudeau's Tern

    Roseate Tern

    White-fronted Tern

    Black-naped Tern  

    South American Tern

    Antarctic Tern

    Kerguelen Tern

    Black-bellied Tern

    White-cheeked Tern

    Lesser Crested Tern

    Royal Tern

    Greater Crested Tern

    Chinese Crested Tern

    Elegant Tern

    Sandwich Tern

    Whiskered Tern  

    Black-fronted Tern

    Gull-billed Tern

    Caspian Tern

    Grey-backed Tern

    Bridled Tern

    Sooty Tern

    Aleutian Tern

    Polar Bear

    White Tern

    American White Ibis

    Chinese Egret

    Intermediate Egret

    Cattle Egret

    Little Egret

    Beluga Whale

    Arctic fox

    Black-browed Albatross

    Wandering Albatrosses

    Laysan Albatross

    Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

    Domesticated Cat and Dog breeds

    Domesticated Ducks

    Black-browed Albatross

    Campbell Albatross

    Shy Albatross  

    Chatham Albatross

    Salvin's Albatross

    Grey-headed Albatross

    Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross

    Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross

    Buller's Albatross

    Waved Albatross

    Short-tailed Albatross

    Antipodean Albatross  

    Amsterdam Albatross

    Tristan Albatross

    Northern Royal Albatross

    Southern Royal Albatross

  3. Beluga whale, polar bear, box jellyfish, arctic fox,  dove, swan, some sheep, chinese river dolphins, the list go's on.
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