
Name something Al Gore did?

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Name something Al Gore did?




  1. He graduated from college and went to Vietnam voluntarily (even though he could have joined the National Guard and stayed home). At age 29, he was in the House of Representatives.  At 37, he was a US Senator. At 45, he was the Vice President of the greatest and most powerful country that ever existed on the planet.  At 52, he was the Democratic presidential nominee, won the most popular votes for president, and was only 3 electoral votes short of being the 43rd President of the United States.

    In his post political life, he won:

    Webby Lifetime Achievement for his heavy involvement in promoting the development of the Internet.

    Won a Nobel Peace Prize and an Emmy.

    Also, he's:

    Authored several successful books.

    Taught at the University level in several schools.

    Raised world attention to a serious environmental issue.

    Spoke out against the rush to war in Iraq.

    Wisely invested in Google.

    Married to the same women for 37 years.  Has 4 children and 2 grandchildren.

    Now let's see your list of lifetime accomplishments?

  2. Managed to lose his own state of Tennessee during the 2000 presidential election.  They already knew he was a fraud!

  3. Actually, without his support and work in congress, arpnet would never have been funded, and so, in fact, he was instrumental in bringing about the internet.

    But keep on believing those GOP lies.

    Say, what did d**k Cheney do? Oh yeah, he shot a guy in the face and tried to cover over it...

    I'll never get what you people see in the current stooges in the White House. It's like the more harm they do, the more you rant against the people who are on the other side.

  4. Put a tax on your phone bill without representation.

  5. He filed a lawsuit against the Florida election process in 2000 and lost in Bush V Gore by a 5-4 US Supreme Court ruling.  

    At the same time, he led the Senate as acting Vice President, ironically not allowing many minorities to speak up on his own behalf regarding voter fraud in Florida, on the grounds that all petitions had to be signed by at least one senator.   (See Farenheit 911 for more details)

  6. Lost an election and complained about it.

    Made a pseudo-documentary that wants people to change the way they live.

    Won an award that he didn't deserve.  (How does global warming connect with world peace?)

    Used 20 times more energy than the average American.


    "Invented the Internet"  (a dream catcher only it catches ideas)

  7. managed to s***w up just bout everything he did....and lost an election and became even more bloated then usual.  His wife can be mean too!

  8. Created the biggest fraud in modern history

  9. Remember? He invetnted the internet!! Without him, you would not have been able to post this queston!

  10. He lost the presidential election, and couldn't even carry his OWN state!   He made up hilarious lies, like inventing the Internet.  Lately he made a global warming movie that was so full of falshoods, and misleading statements that the British government would not let it be shown in their schools unless the lies and distortions were exposed PRIOR to it's showing.

  11. made movie "Convienient Lies"  that mislead millions and loose presidency.Loooser...and liar...

  12. Showed how easy it is to lie. Do as I say, not as I do.

  13. made a movie that educated millions and ran for president

  14. He graduated from college. He got married. He was elected to congress and as vice president.

  15. Mimic a scientist.

  16. Served in Vietnam.

    US Congressman.

    US Senator.

    Sponsored and passed the Gore Bill (High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991).

    Sponsored Prevention of Genocide Act of 1988, to cut off all US assistance to Saddam Hussein. (Bill was defeated due to opposition of Reagan-Bush White House.)

    US Vice-President.

    Winner, Nobel Peace Prize.

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