
Name the Best Fuel?

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Name the Best Fuel?




  1. The best fuel depends on a number of factors including (assuming you are talking about vehicles) location, design of engine and whether you are talking about technology right now or what might be available in the future.  As far as the present is concerned for many parts of the world petroleum based diesel is available and is more economical and gives lower carbon emissions than gasoline powered vehicles.  With real life driving diesel (so it has been reported) may well give lower emissions than more expensive hybrid cars.  In the future biodiesel or biodiesel blends may be available and be a better choice from an environmental standpoint.  If one lives in Brazil bioethanol may well be the fuel of choice produced from abundant sugar cane.

    In the future hydrogen is often talked about and if we really want to eliminate carbon emissions (provided of course that hydrogen can be produced economically without emitting carbon dioxide as a biproduct) then this may be the fuel of the future.

  2. Large serve of Lasagna, A good red wine, Some chocolate an apple turnover with fresh cream.

    Plenty of fuel for a normal days commuting on a bicycle.

    Virtually zero emissions and quite enjoyable.

  3. Methane and hydrocarbon

  4. It should be undoubtedly hrdyocarbons, methane or biogas.

  5. very simple.. if you solve this given problem, your problems will be solved automatically, but don't be selfish - its Natural Formula -

    becoz all problems are interlinked with each other..;...

      am I Wrong ??

  6. I will have to subjectively determine what best means and then I will answer:

    1-Does the least harm to the environment.

    2-Provides heat for heating, cooking, sterilizing in addition to making vehicles move down the road.


    4-Can generate electricity on demand.

    5-Will create wealth and therefore is anti-inflationary.

    6-Can be created by the individual from wastes or renewable sources.

    7-Cheaper than gasoline

    8-Safer than gasoline

    Hydrogen meets these criteria and therefore:

    Hydrogen is the BEST fuel.

  7. The best fuel is the food you eat so you can walk where you want to go.

    Edit for wolf's benefit. Yes there are electric boats but whats wrong with good old fashioned zero emission sail power ?

  8. It sure ain't hydrogen.  It may have the highest joules per gram... but do you have ANY idea how BIG a gram of hydrogen is!!??  Put it this way, it's fracking big unless you liquefy it, and then it's still fracking big.

    Best fuel?  Hands down, electricity.  Of course it's not a fuel, it's a conduit... the fuel is just about ANYTHING. Coal, oil, gas, large hydro, nuke, small hydro, wind, biomass, solar-thermal, solar PV, geothermal.  

    What can run on electricity?  Trains, easy as pie. Cars, a little harder but we've done it and it works.  Boats, no.  Airplanes, no.  For them, biofuels.

    Well hold on, French airplanes DO run on electricity:

  9. Hydrogen bcos it has the max energy producin capability.

    abt 150kJ/g. its already being developed as a fuel for a car by Honda.

    or if safe technology for utilisation is developed, antimatter is the future fuel. abt 10gms or so cn pwr NYC for 5 yrs

  10. It would be vegetable oil
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